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Without going into too much detail, I did hear some bursting and sweeping that
covered about 15kHz worth of spectrum.  In AM mode, it sounded like a phaser.
In SSB it sounded like a water-dripper.  The sweeping sounded like the buzz at
the end of a weather fax.  I looked at a spectrum analyzer and noticed the
quick bursts (pulses actually) were about 800Hz in width.

This could possibly be a fast frequency-hopping or spread-spectrum HF radio.
The occasional sweeping noise I heard would most likely be either the
synchronization, or a secondary transmission trying to jam it.  I really doubt
the latter, since I didn't hear them both (bursts and sweeping) at the same

Now if this is what we're all buzzing about, the term we should be using is
STAJ - not STANAG (although I'm sure there is a STANAG for it).  I forget what
the whole acronym stands for, but rest assured AJ stands for Anti-Jam.
Another term is IHFR for Improved HF Radio (seriously).

Who is using it?  From the time I observed it, it was probably someone in
Europe and one who most likely someone under the NATO umbrella.  Why?  Could
be a test (hence the slim possibility of a secondary jammer), could be a real
comms link.  Lord knows.

Keep in mind that everything I've said so far is pure speculation.  I know a
little about STAJ/IHFR technology, but have never really seen or heard one

But, there's one thing I do know...

There's a penguin on your telly, and he's going to blow up.

<just kidding>


[*     Mark J. Fine * FineWare * 11252 Cardinal Drive     *]
[*  Remington, Virginia  22734-2032 * USA * 3834N 07751W  *]
[*   fineware@xxxxxxxxx *  *]
[* Smart R8 Control * SWBC Schedule Subscription Service  *]
[*  Smart Lowe Ctrl * Smart Kenwood Ctrl * Smart NRD Ctrl *]
[*SWBC Interval Signals * Smart Audio Control * TTY Reader*]

----- Original Message -----
From: "B Lodge" <donuk@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 3:19 AM
Subject: RE: [HCDX]: STANAG

> Dear friends
> This has all turned into somewhat of a riddle.
> This is what happened:
> Noel Green has been monitoring lots of frequencies, some of which I gave
> you.
> He understood (I don't know how) that they were something to do with
> something called STANAG.
> Thanks to your collective help, I know what STANAG means.  I have looked on
> their web site and cannot find anything about the listed frequencies.
> What does remain a mystery is this:  Who is operating on these frequencies,
> from where, and why.  They may well have nothing to do with STANAG.
> Sorry if this is all mad and circular.  Don't forget I am from the same
> country as Monty Python's Flying Circus.
> (no, nothing to do with radio).
> Don Phillips

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