[HCDX]: World of Radio, Continent of Media
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[HCDX]: World of Radio, Continent of Media


You are cordially invited to listen to our weekly program WORLD OF RADIO, primarily but not exclusively about shortwave; and our monthly CONTINENT OF MEDIA, covering primarily non-SW media in the Americas. We have some new times on WWCR, and the WBCQ time has shifted. RFPI may revise its frequency schedule Feb 1.

Days and times strictly UT

Wed 1730 COM RFPI 25930-USB
Wed 2230 WOR WBCQ 7415 [ex-2200]
Thu 0930 COM RFPI 6975
Thu 2130 WOR WWCR 9475 [March: 15685]
Fri 1030 WOR WWCR 7435 [NEW from Jan 21]
Fri 1900 COM RFPI 25930-USB
Fri 1930 WOR RFPI 25930-USB
Sat 0300 COM RFPI 15049 6975
Sat 0330 WOR RFPI 15049 6975
Sat 0400 WOR WWCR 3215 [NEW from Jan 29]
Sat 1100 COM RFPI 6975
Sat 1130 WOR RFPI 6975
Sat 1230 WOR WWCR 15685
Sat 1730 COM RFPI 25930-USB
Sat 1800 WOR RFPI 25930-USB
Sat 2030 WOR WWCR 12160
Sun 0130 COM RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6975
Sun 0200 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6975
Sun 0330 WOR WWCR 5070
Sun 0730 WOR WWCR 5070
Sun 0930 COM RFPI 6975
Sun 1000 WOR RFPI 6975
Sun 2300 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6975
Mon 0131 WOR WWCR 3215
Mon 0601 WOR WWCR 3210
Mon 0700 WOR RFPI 6975
Mon 1500 WOR RFPI 25930-USB [repeat default]
Tue 1200 WOR WWCR 15685 [ex-1330 from Jan 25]
Tue 1900 WOR RFPI 25930-USB
Tue 2000 COM RFPI 25930-USB
Wed 0300 WOR RFPI 15049 6975
Wed 0400 COM RFPI 15049 6975
Wed 1100 WOR RFPI 6975
Wed 1200 COM RFPI 25930-USB 6975

For latest revisions in this version of schedule see

For complete schedule of all our broadcasts, including local times see

Regards, Glenn Hauser

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