Re: [HCDX]: Temporary Goodbye...
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Re: [HCDX]: Temporary Goodbye...
At 09.23 23.1.2000 +0200, Vince Stevens wrote:
>I don't know if this will be deemed off-topic but its the only way to get my
>message across to the many folk on HCDX that I have corresponded with over
>the last year or so. I am leaving Cape Town RSA for Reading UK on the 25th
>so will be unsubscribing from this list for a while, until I get a new PC.
>In the meantime I will contactable on vince999@xxxxxxxxxxxx for those that
>would like to get hold of me. I hope to meet up with some British DXers and
>would love to go on the Dxpeditions to Sheigra. My radio equipment has
>already left in a container so I will be able to be up and listening within
>a month or two. As my Icom R-70 is getting rather long in the tooth I hope
>to eventually get hold of an AOR 7030+. I will certainly miss DXing in South
>Africa, where we only have 2 local stations on MW in the Cape Town area!
Welcome to EU! I hope you keep us HCDXers up-to-date with the news about
the radio scene of the South African MW, surely you will hear about any
changes from your friends?
73, Mauno
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