Re: [HCDX]: Two MW loggings
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Re: [HCDX]: Two MW loggings

----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Fernando de Sousa Ribeiro <s_ribeiro@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Aan: HCDX <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Verzonden: dinsdag 1 februari 2000 15:48
Onderwerp: [HCDX]: Two MW loggings

> 675 kHz - Radio Tien Gold FM, in Dutch, heard from 23:10 to 23:20
> UTC of January 31, transmitting pop music from the 60s and 70s;
> signal sometimes was rather strong, but with deep and long
> fadings; during the fadings, interference from RNE Seville, on
> neighbouring channel 684 kHz.
> 963 kHz - From the mess caused by Radio Renascenc,a, Seixal,
> Portugal, and by Radio Euskadi, Vitoria, Spain, some bits of
> music, sung in Finnish, appeared clearly from time to time,
> between 23:15 and 23:40 UTC of January 31; this certainly was YLE,
> Pori, Finland, although I didn't get any identification.
> 73
> Fernando de Sousa Ribeiro
> Oporto, Portugal
> - Receiver Sony ICF2001D, with whip antenna and preamplfier Sony
> AN-1.
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