Re: [HCDX]: ELWA Monrovia on 4760
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Re: [HCDX]: ELWA Monrovia on 4760
ELWA Monrovia was heard tonight with excellent signal from 1915-2025 in E
with religious program and songs. ID at 2025: "This program is coming to you
from Monrovia, Liberia, followed by program preview and frequencies. What I
did not hear was an address for reception reports. Does anybody have a
current address for the station?
LIBERIA 4760 ELWA 2130 choral music, ID "...of Radio ELWA", possibly
a URL, too, Liberian national anthem, program ended 2200:38, carrier
off 2204:40; first day back on the air? Thanks Mark Veldhuis in #swl,
who translated Enzio Gehrig's German-language report in A-DX (Brandi
February 10)
(Thanks, Mark and Enzio)
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