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- To: <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: "Mahendra Vaghjee" <vaghjee@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 22:18:03 +0400
- Cc: <Barrera@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Wolfgang W. Bueschel" <100523.3446@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "victor Goonetilleke" <victorg@xxxxxx>, "sarath Weerakoon" <sarathw@xxxxxx>, "Noel R Green" <nrg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Manosij Guha" <manosij@xxxxxxxx>, "Jerry Berg" <jberg@xxxxxxxx>, "Glenn Hauser" <wghauser@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Dan Henderson" <dandan2@xxxxxxxx>, "Uwe Volk" <mail@xxxxxxxx>
- Importance: Normal
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
AFGHANISTAN 7002 Kabul National Radio [ex Voice of Shar'iah]?
Heard at 14.05 with Religious song then talk by man probably in
Dari then a song after every long religious talk, 14.30 News
14.35 continued with talk and songs until 15.02 [All the Songs
was without any Instrumental Music] then program in English with
a song "Taliban Taliban...." after that ID as "This is Kabul National Radio,
English program" and immediately followed with News by man in good
English then religious prog. 15.23 Prog in Urdu for 20 minutes and
followed with other languages until went off at 16.32 fair reception
but distorted audio.
Mahendra Vaghjee [17 February]
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