[HCDX]: From the Andes to the World
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[HCDX]: From the Andes to the World


-Times UTC

*RADIO COCHIGUAZ will be active on 6950 khz LSB
 according to this schedule:

-Sat 19 Feb 2000

-> 23.30-24.00 Radio Cochiguaz (s/on *23.23)

-Sun 20 Feb 2000

-> 00.00-00.30 Radio East Side International
-> 00.30-01.00 Jolly Roger Radio International
-> 01.00-01.30 Radio East Side International
-> 01.30-02.00 Jolly Roger Radio International
-> 02.00-02.30 Radio East Side International
-> 03.00-03.30 Radio Torenvalk
-> 03.30-04.00 Radio East Side International

-Addresses for reports: (Pls add return postage)

-Radio East Side, P.O. Box 520112, D-44207 Dortmund, GERMANY.
-Jolly Roger Radio International, Box 39, Waterford, IRELAND.
-Radio Torenvalk, P.O. Box 94, NL 7038 ZH Zeddam, NETHERLANDS.
-Radio Cochiguaz, Box 159, Santiago 14, CHILE.

 FFFR, ;-)

 C. Mamani
 Radio Cochiguaz op.



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