[HCDX]: Update for the QSL Info Pages
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[HCDX]: Update for the QSL Info Pages

Update for the QSL Info Pages

Yesterday I made a large update for the QSL Info Pages.
At http://www.swl.net/swl-de/qsl-info.html you may find
the latest Zip-Files for an fast and easy download.
As usual, I added a lot of logs, removed some bad links and 
changed the station-index for several countries.

And of course I'm still waiting for you comments and critics, 
especially about stations that are included in a wrong section or 
are misspelled or about any other errors you were able to find.


-------------- schoechi@xxxxxx -------------------
Pirate Radio Adresses (P.WdB)
QSL Information Pages (QIP)
Martin Schoech - Post Box 1136 - D-06201 Merseburg
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