Re: [HCDX]: Remark on 1660
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Re: [HCDX]: Remark on 1660

Hi Julius and list:

> I was really annoyed
> by the easy = remarks "just wait for the ID when you hear a
> station" and "e-mail lists = makes us too lazy to listen properly".

I fully agree with you. What the lists are for if not exchanging  
infos, asking questions, give on-topic comments etc.

Indeed, I would prefer to pick up a legal id along with 45 minutes of  
programming. However, I well remember that in Denmark we had a KCOH  
legal id with news after it but obviously these were different  
stations and KCOH never confirmed reception.

My recent request for an unid 1650 station revealed that it was WHKT  
mentioning a whole net of stations simulcasting the programme and the  
callsign I heard was one of these. They seem to have changed formate  
as well. Thanks to all who were kind enough to help.

By the way, everyone if free to respond to such requests.
73's de JOACHIM
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