Re: [HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-28 Feb 20
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Re: [HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-28 Feb 20

> ** U K O G B A N I. Regarding BBC WS, they still have for example a
> Czech service, which is carried on a couple of FM transmitters in the
> Czech Republic and as part of the "CRo 6" network on MW 1233 and
> 1287. They also still have a service in Slovak, once again using some
> FM frequencies in Slovakia and more or less regular MW 1521. This AM
> channel didn't appear on any schedules, seems than one can state they
> are testing it already for a couple of years now, or was it no longer
> operational recently? 1521 uses two transmitters, a powerful one at
> Kosice-Cizatice and a modest power one at Rimavska Sobota. A while
> ago a lack of proper synchronization of these two was reported.
> <snip>       (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Feb 20, DX

BBC is relayed in SLOVAKIA via transmitters on 1521 kHz (regularly; the
frequency is announced in their programs):

Kosice / Cizatice  21E24 48N48  200 kW
Nitra / Jarok  17E59 48N17  50 kW
Rimavska Sobota / Uzovska Panica  20E07 48N24  14 kW

- all transmitters relay BBC in Slovak and BBC WS in between

- on the air: Mon-Fri 0530-0730, Sat+Sun 0630-0730, daily 1800-2030 UTC
At other times the transmitters are off the air.

Karel Honzik
the Czech Republic

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