[HCDX]: Signal report requested-AM from Norway
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[HCDX]: Signal report requested-AM from Norway

I would be interested to hear how far away the Radio High Mass broadcast
on the NRK P1 network on the coming Sunday February 27th, 2000, may be
picked up on any transmitter of the NRK AM Radio Network, and also what
quality the signal has.  The broadcast lasts from 1002-1059 GMT, and
comes from Landro Church on the island of Sotra near Bergen, Norway .
will not be broadcast) 

This broadcast has quite a large distribution, and reaches a lot of
people over a wide area.

 It is on

the Domestic Norwegian FM and DAB Networks, as well as
the Domestic Norwegian AM Network:

630 kHz(Vigra, 100 kW)
675 kHz(Røst, 20 kW)
702 kHz(Vadsø, 20kW)
1314 kHz(Kvitsøy, 1200 kW)
1485 kHz(Longyearbyen, 1kW)

Also on a couple of satellite channels, via the same transponder
as NRK-1 (D-MAC), Thor II on 1 deg W 11.357 GHz H, as well as digitally
(MPEG-II) in the NRK International package on Intelsat 707 1 degW 11.173
GHz H.

Also in Real Audio on

The broadcast is entirely in Norwegian. All the same, if you have the
time, I'll be interested to hear from you! 

Fr. Svenn aM in Norway.
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