Re: [HCDX]: Ukraine 1674
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Re: [HCDX]: Ukraine 1674
Julius Hermans wrote:
> Ukrainian harmonic on 1674:
> Well, Jari you heard the same as I reported to HCDX last night(febr. 20th).
> I noted the harmonic feb 20th at 0610 UTC.
> I managed to hear the fundamental tx on 837 here in Holland. Ofcourse the
> programme was in parallel. Glad you ID'ed it. I thought 99% it was the
> Ukraine, but still was not 100%!! Thanks for your help. By the way, you talk
> about a transmitter in Chernivitsi, I talk about Ternivka. Are we talking
> about the same site??? Or do we give a different "international" spelling to
> the Ukrainian place-names??? Anyone??
It's not a question of spelling. There are two Ukrainian transmitters on 837
kHz. Jari picked up Rst. Bukovina local programming, which (on 837 kHz) is only
transmitted over the Chernivtsi tx. This is a rare catch, as the more powerful
Ukrainian transmitter in Ternivka dominates the frequency of 837 kHz. Ternivka
has only national programming. Since you found 837 and 1674 in parallel - which
you shouldn't take for granted - it seems that at times the Chernivtsi tx relays
the national px (and so it would be Chernivtsi which also you heard) - or also
the Ternivka tx produces a harmonic, but that would be an unlikely explanation.
Mika Mäkeläinen
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