Re: [HCDX]: 1584AM
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Re: [HCDX]: 1584AM

On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 20:29:23 +0100, you wrote:

>> On Tue, 22 Feb 2000 21:40:06 GMT, shack@xxxxxx (Ruud Vos) wrote:
>> Hi to all of you,
>> On the moment station 1584AM is on the air again with a
>> special "interval signal"
>> Good luck!
>> Ruud Vos
>> QSL Man 1584AM
>Well, I think they are on quite low power as on tuesday afternoon feb 22nd
>1330 UTC the signal- level here in the east of the Netherlands was hardly a
>S-1. The S-meter just came above the zero-mark and I had to use a
>loop-antenna to reach that!!! So I do not think the signal will come very
>far abroad bearing in mind all those cochannel stations on 1584! To compare:
>the Dutch Haagstad Radio on 1485 and the new Radio Nationaal on 1332 were
>many times stronger here at the same time!!
>Julius Hermans

Well Julius everything is in DX'ing almost possible, check the list and
find a logging of Karel Honzik from the Czech repulic!!!
The details of his reception are 100% correct, I can verify as QSL Manager
of 1584AM It really was our station Karel heard.
DX'ing can be suprising: a weak signal,hardly audilble in the east of the
Netherlands, but heard in the Czech Republic, Julius your theory is right
about that for excample on 1510 Khz in the Netherlands on same date and
time different stations can be heard.
I think this is a great really DX catch of Karel, congratulations!!!


Ruud Vos
QSL Man 1584AM
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