[HCDX]: R. Santa Cruz Boliva
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[HCDX]: R. Santa Cruz Boliva

Hello all,

Yesterday was possible to listen R. Santa Cruz in the 6135 kHz to 0900 UTC  
with excellent sign, here in the north of Brazil, to improve the quality   
if sign used the synchronous detection, with filter in 4 kHz. The sign was   
enter S-7 up to S-9.  
I hope other DXers is capturing this bolivian radio station.


Djaci Franklin Silva
Electronic Engineer and ShortWave Listener

Receivers: Drake R8-B (VHF on-board), Sony ICF-SW7600G
Antennas: Grove Mini-skywire, Electril DF1/160m, VHF whip
Tape Recorders: National RQ-2102, Sony TC-1150


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