[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-34 March 3
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[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-34 March 3

	DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-34, March 3, 2000
		edited by Glenn Hauser

{Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing 
full credit be maintained at all stages}

marzo en Radio Enlace por Radio Nederland el vienes 3 y domingo 5; y 
a partir del viernes 10 en Mundo Radial por WWCR.

** BRAZIL. Now that Brazil [Brasilia Amazonia service on 6180; also 
check 11780] is back on SW, it may be worth listening next Tuesday 
[March 7] for any possible Mardi Gras programming/festivities (Ivan 

** CANADA. TAPESTRY: This week on Tapestry...'Shape Note Singing' the 
story of the music that for more than two hundred years has been 
touching, thrilling, soothing and occasionally appalling, singers and 
listeners. Also this weekend 'A Chamber of Secrets', the hidden 
mysteries of the Jewish Kaballah. That's on Tapestry, with host Don 
Hill, Sunday at 2:08 p.m. (2:38 NT; 4:08 p.m. MT; 3:08 pm. PT) on CBC 
Radio One (CBC Hotsheet) And also on RCI UT Mon March 6 at 0305 on 
9780, 9755, 6155 (gh, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [non]. The CRI relay via Cuba was back when checked March 2 
at 1245 on 9570; fair signal and weak modulation in Chinese; 1300 
into English //11980 direct and others, about 2 seconds behind them. 
Then March 3 at 1303 recheck the modulation was fine (Glenn Hauser, 

** CONGO DR. Reception of some radio stations in the east 

The following is an update on the operations of some radio stations 
in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Government-controlled RTNC 
radio in Lubumbashi (southeast DRC, close to the Zambian border) has 
not been heard on its usual shortwave frequency (7203 kHz) recently. 
It is possible that it continues to operate locally on FM, but this 
cannot be confirmed. 

Rebel-controlled Radio Candip in Bunia (northeast DRC, close to the 
Ugandan border) is now operating its two shortwave transmitters (on 
3390 and 5066.3 kHz) simultaneously. 

The rebel-controlled FM radio in Goma (east DRC, on the border with 
Rwanda) continues to be heard. However, in the past few days BBC 
Monitoring has had persistent difficulties in accessing the source by 

The rebel-controlled radio in Bukavu (east DRC, on the border with 
Rwanda) is currently heard on 6713 kHz shortwave. 

The rebel-controlled FM radio station in Uvira (east DRC, close to 
the border with Burundi) has not been heard recently. Source: 
Monitoring research Feb-Mar 00 ((c) BBC Monitoring via DX LISTENING 

** COSTA RICA. 5954.1 (Cumbre DX follow up) Radio Casino: I got it
wrong before. They are on most days, but they usually sign on quite
late, at variable times after 1200. Noted several times at 1300, but
not much of a signal to listen to by then (Hans Johnson, FL, Feb, 

** ERITREA/ETHIOPIA Eritrean radio apparently being jammed by 

Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea (the Eritrean state radio based 
in Asmara) is currently heard on just two shortwave frequencies. The 
station's first service, which broadcasts in Tigrigna (the main 
language of Eritrea) and in Afar, Kunama, Saho and Tigre (see note 
below) is heard on 7100 kHz (variable). The station's second service, 
which broadcasts in Arabic and in two languages spoken in Ethiopia 
(Amharic and Oromo) is heard on 7175 kHz. 

However, reception on this frequency is often difficult because of 
jamming by Ethiopia. This jamming takes the form of a relay of Radio 
Ethiopia's external service. This service normally operates on 7165 
and 9560 kHz. However, the transmitter normally on 7165 is sometimes 
moved to 7175 kHz, presumably to jam the Eritrean broadcasts on that 
frequency. (It may be noted that some while ago Voice of the Broad 
Masses of Eritrea adjusted its two services. Broadcasts in Afar and 
Saho were transferred from the second service to the first service. 
This allowed room on the second service for the introduction of 
broadcasts in Oromo.) Source: Monitoring research Mar 00 ((c) BBC 

[excerpting beams to NAm/SAm only; languages not shown. Will the 0300 
English be replaced by some time in the 0000/0200 block, or back in 
our mornings 1200/1500?? -gh]

kHz	kW	UTC		Azimuth	Target areas

11985	500	0000-0200(c)	310		4,6,7,10
13770	500	0000-0200(c)	325		4,6,7,10
15400   500     1200-1500       310/325         4-11
17670	500	1200-1400	310		4-11
21800	500	1100-1200	240		12,13,14
(c) = Mon-Fri 0100-0200
(via Arto Mujunen, Finland, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** HONDURAS. 4830, Radio Litoral (presumed). Although I cannot catch 
an ID, I believe that this station is now a bit easier to hear. They 
seem to be signing on around 1200 now. Initial programming consists 
of continuous Spanish-language Christian music (Hans Johnson, FL, 

** ISRAEL. Israel Radio A-00 schedule now posted on website includes 
English to Eu/NAm u.o.s.:

0400-0415  9435 15640, AuAs 17535
1030-1035 15640 17535
1400-1430 15650 17535
1900-1925 11605 15650 17535, Af 15640

And Spanish, Ladino, daily u.o.s.:

Spanish 1635-1645 15650
Ladino  1645-1700 15650
Spanish 1945-2000 11605 15640 15650 17535
Spanish and Ladino Sat only 1500-1525 11695 17535 17705 

Frequency usage presumably effective March 26, but as reported 
previously here, the DST shift to the times shown above is not 
expected until April 14! -gh

(tnx tip from Doni Rosenzweig, via Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBERIA. This may shed some light on the status of ELWA previously 
questioned in DXLD 00-31:

Ministry statement on future of Star Radio
Text of report by Liberian pro-Charles Taylor radio on 18th February
The Ministry of Information has announced that in accordance with the 
regulation governing the establishment of shortwave radio stations, 
it is illegal for non-Liberian entities to operate a shortwave 
frequency in Liberia. The Information Ministry?s pronouncement comes 
in the wake of several appeals to government to allow Star Radio to 
operate on a shortwave frequency. 

The ministry further points out that though Star Radio is now managed 
and staffed by Liberians and controlled by Liberian board of 
directors, the ownership of the station still lies in the hands of 
non-Liberians. The ministry?s release also says rather than being 
owned by Liberians, Star Radio which was established in Liberia in 
1997 for the sole purpose of establishing and providing a level 
playing field for the election, is now owned by a Swiss NGO, 
Fondation Hirondelle, which provides technical assistance. 

The ministry notes that financing of Star Radio also comes from the 
US AID through the International Foundation for Election system. 
MICAT [Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism] also states that 
the government of the Netherlands and the Swedish International 
Development Corporation, HNC, also provide additional funding. 

The ministry observes that now that the elections are over, and a 
democratically elected government inaugurated, the original purpose 
of Star Radio has been served and as such it wonders why the sponsors 
of Star Radio could not pass over the equipment to the government of 
Liberia or a corporate entity to boost the growth of communication in 
the country but rather wants to sponsor same. 

The ministry further clarifies that under the regulations governing 
shortwave radio stations, non-Liberians are allowed to only operate 
religious radio stations in the country because they are non-
political. Source: Radio Liberia International, Monrovia, in English 
1900 gmt 18 Feb 00 (BBC Monitoring via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR. 5009.5, Radio Madagascar 0215 Malagasy-style music, 
including Salegy (musical style from the northern highlands), also 
Jean-Michel Jarre synth music, OM in what sounded like French, ID @ 
TOH "Radio Madagasikara ity" very fast, into news by YL in presumed 
Malagasy; fading by ten minutes past 0249 sunrise in Tana, but still 
quite readable at TOH; almost completely gone by 0330; station was 
heard all night, as early as 2230, again from 0015-0130 (Ralph 
Brandi, NJ, March 2, hard-core-dx via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** MADAGASCAR. R Madagasikara (5010 kHz) verified in French by e-mail 
from radmad@xxxxxx, v/s Olga, "pour l'Equipe responsable de 
l'internet". Wonder how big a team is in charge of the website... 
Olga mentioned that the bosses would later reply (more) "officially", 
probably referring to a snail-mail response. 73s (Mika Makelainen 
http://www.makelainen.com/dx/dxpedit.htm Finland, hard-core-dx via DX 

** NEW ZEALAND. Glenn, Thu 02 Mar, RNZI on 17675 kHz again today when 
I tuned in for 1000 UT news and to sample content of following prog. 
However, on checking the freq at 1108 UT, 17675 was silent. RNZI 
service to NZ troops in Bougainville & East Timor was proceeding on 
17690 kHz. I checked back again at 1200 UT, but station announcement 
on 17690 at 1206 UT re times/freqs never mentioned 17690 itself. 
Sign-off at 1209 UT. I wonder if RNZI is dodging interference in the 
target zones? It was pretty hairy at 1200 UT, forcing me to go USB 
for okay copy of RNZI [Finbarr O'Driscoll, Ireland, DX LISTENING 

** PERU. New station: 5300.02 Radio Superior, March 2 1027-1115, Tuned
in to middle of sign-on ID, "...en AM...nacional. Un mensaje de la
amistad en los cielos andinos. Bienvenidos...a nuestras excelentes 
progamaciones. Estamos transmitiendo desde San Martin de...en la 
provincia de Bolivar, Departamento de La Libertad. Radio Superior. Un 
mensaje de amistad en los cielos andinos." Into Peruvian anthem after 
a false start. Non stop Andean vocals until 1043, announcer with 
ID's, time checks and muffled mic audio. Very good signal until 1115 
fade at local sunrise. Thanks to Dave Valko for tip and his audio 
clip (Mark Mohrmann, VT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** RUSSIA/VIETNAM [non]. Glenn, VoR in English makes its annual March 
move from 5940 to 7250 0300-0400 this Sunday the 5th. As usual, VoV 
will also make the same freq move, with English at 0100-0130 & 0230-
0300. This is in effect until March 25th, according to their web 
site. (Ivan Grishin, Ont., DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SEYCHELLES. FEBA IS, 15445, March 3 at 1313 was barely audible 
beneath receiver overload mixture, both on ATS-909 and YB-400 of 
DGS/KAIJ 5755 plus ERT/VOA 9690 equaling 15445 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** SOMALIA. There have been queries in the hobby press concerning the 
backing of R. Banaadir, 7213, and the origin of its equipment. 
According to Sam Voron?s Somali contacts, this is a commercial 
station. The equipment was brought into the country by two Somalis 
from Canada. Banaadir is the Somali word for Mogadishu. ((c) Hans  
Johnson, Cumbre DX Mar 3 via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOMALIA. Somalia: Radio staff strike over non-payment of salaries 
Text of report by Somali newspaper 'Ayaamaha' on 2nd March

The staff of the Voice of Somali Pacification Radio, which supports 
faction leader Uthman Ali Ato, have been on strike for the last two 
days, complaining about non-payment of salaries and poor living 
conditions. Source: 'Ayaamaha', Mogadishu, in Somali 02 Mar 00 (via 
BBC Monitoring, excerpted by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UKRAINE. While it is difficult for us to hear RUI in English at 
0100 on 9560 9610 9810, last three nights I was surprised to hear 
good copy at 0400 on 9610 and 9810, Feb 22 and 23. It was marignal 
Feb 24. Heard the sked on WOR #1025. On Feb 25 I checked at 0400: 
6020 is VOA Slav, 9600 barely audible with 9590 RN splatter, S4/5+ 
here, 9610 fair with hash and prop roll, 9810 fair due to jammer on 
9805, 11825 not audible due to 11820 in Arabic. I`ll check at 1200, 
2200 and 0100 (Bob Thomas, CT, Feb 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Hi, Greetings from Rabat, Morocco. Heard a new Christian 
station on 9340 at appr 2230 UTC (WBCQ-2 ??). The signal was USB and 
with carrier. I rate the signal SIO 233-344 using a 7 meter longwire 
connected to a Sony ICF-7600G. 9340 is not a good channel on this 
side of the pond because of the utility traffic on that channel. Some 
utility noise at around 23 UTC. Best regards and 73, (Kjell-Ingvar 
Karlsson, normally at Upplands-Vasby, Sweden, March 2, DX LISTENING 

** URUGUAY. Re the [projected] SW's, as previously reported, the 
first one had been assigned to Sr. Juan Heber Bran~as Bran~as (yes, 
twice the name), (owner of CW148 R. Universo, MW 1480, Castillos, 
Rocha) to use possibly 6155. The other SW license had been gone to 
"Sarandi S.R.L." which I first thought it was connected with the 
Sarandi Group in Montevideo. I decided to further investigate and E-
mailed a query to R. Sarandi. They tell to me that they are not the 
people who were in the issue, but a small MW station from Sarandi del 
Yi, Department of Durazno, indeed: CW-155, MW 1550, R. Sarandi del 
Yi, Sarandi del Yi, addr: Sarandi 328, owned by SARANDI S.R.L. As 
said before, and if I am not wrong, they should've been assigned 
6055. Current Director of Communications, by the way, defended the 
assignment decree saying that current rules indicate that "when 
vacant channels exist the government must call for a public bid" and 
stated that "if those channels are not occupied, they are made so by 
neighbouring countries". (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, Mar 3 according to 
Mar 2 "Busqueda", Uruguayan magazine, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WASINI ISLAND. The Wasini Island expedition hopes to be on the air 
with the callsign 5Z4WI from the late morning of the 9th of March 
until the late afternoon of the 16th of March. Its preferred 
operating frequencies for CW, plus or minus QRM, will be 1830, 
3502, 7002, 14025, 14040, 18073, 21025, 21040, 24893 and 
28025 kHz. On SSB, the frequencies will be 3795, 7045, 14260, 
18128, 21260, 24950 and 28460 kHz. It will always work split, 
listening up about 5 kHz, and will participate in the RSGB 
Commonwealth Contest as an HQ station on the 11th and 12th of March. 
A contact counts as AF-067 towards the RSGB Islands on the Air awards 
programme. QSL via G3SWH, either direct or via the bureau. Anyone 
wanting a direct reply should send an SASE with return postage, two 
properly-stamped IRCs or a one-Dollar bill. (Original source 
unspecified by possibly 425 DX News via Radio Society of Great 
Britain GB2RS News, posted March 1, via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX 
LISTENING DIGEST)                                         ###

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