[HCDX]: DX-Loggings
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[HCDX]: DX-Loggings

Hello here and there,

after some time of absence I returned to the bands now. During the last
three weeks I unfortunately had local electric disturbances here at my QTH.
On that reason I didn't enjoy DXing really. Some days ago the noise
disappeared and I could return to normal DXing.


4552.3  R Difusoras Trópico, Trinidad, March 11, 0005-0019, Spanish, love
songs, ID, station signing off, c/d at 0019, relatively good signal.  SINPO

4875  R La Cruz del Sur, La Paz, March 10, 2240-2300, Spanish, news
magazine, political information, ID.  SINPO  22322

4926.5  R San Miguel, Riberalta, March 11, 0020-0035, Spanish, endless
speaking man, signal too weak for more details, ID.  SINPO 22322


6025  R Amanecer, Santo Domingo, March 10, 2315-2325, Spanish, slow songs,
Santo Domingo mentioned.  SINPO  22322


4960  R Federación, Sucua, March 10, 2335-2345, Shuar language (presumed),
man and woman talking, Sucua mentioned.  SINPO  23322


4746.9  R Huanta 2000, Huanta, March 10, 2350-2400, Spanish, mensajes
(presumed), Huanta mentioned, advertisement, some commercials with echo
effect, very weak signal.  SINPO 13222

4975.1  R del Pacífico, Lima, March 10, 2325-2335, Spanish, program
schedule, ID, QRGs.  SINPO  23322

5678  R Ilucan, Cutervo, March 11, 0035- 0045, Spanish, huayno music.  SINPO

6797.6  Ondas del Rio Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca, March 11, 0045-0050, Spanish,
huayno music, ID.  SINPO  23322

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Receiver: JRC NRD-525
Antenna: 25m longwire & DX-One Professional
Location: Hassfurt, Germany

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