[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-39 March 14
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[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-39 March 14

	DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-39, March 14, 2000
		edited by Glenn Hauser

{Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing
full credit be maintained at all stages. DXLD may not be reposted in
its entirety without prior permission. BBCM items are copyright and
may not be reproduced without permission}


We have some additional times on RFPI, another time on WBCQ,
and some changes on WWCR.

Days and times strictly UT. Note: all WWCR and WBCQ times
shift one UT hour earlier from April 2 on same frequencies.

For latest updates see

Wed 1730 COM RFPI 25930-USB
Wed 2230 WOR WBCQ1 7415
Wed 2300 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6975 [NEW March-May]
Thu 0700 WOR RFPI 6975 [NEW March-May]
Thu 0930 COM RFPI 6975
Thu 1500 WOR RFPI 25930-USB [NEW March-May]
Thu 2130 WOR WWCR 15685 [ex-9475 Dec-Feb]
Fri 1030 WOR WWCR 7435
Fri 1900 COM RFPI 25930-USB
Fri 1930 WOR RFPI 25930-USB
Fri 2130 WOR WBCQ2 9340-CUSB [NEW from March 10]
Sat 0300 COM RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6975
Sat 0330 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6975
Sat 0400 WOR WWCR 3215
Sat 1100 COM RFPI 6975
Sat 1130 WOR RFPI 6975
Sat 1230 WOR WWCR 15685
Sat 1730 COM RFPI 25930-USB
Sat 1800 WOR RFPI 25930-USB
Sun 0130 COM RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6975
Sun 0200 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6975
Sun 0330 WOR WWCR 5070
Sun 0730 WOR WWCR 5070
Sun 0930 COM RFPI 6975
Sun 1000 WOR RFPI 6975
Sun 2300 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6975
Mon 0131 WOR WWCR 3215 [changing to 0100, by DST from April, 0000 UT]
Mon 0601 WOR WWCR 3210
Mon 0700 WOR RFPI 6975
Mon 1500 WOR RFPI 25930-USB
Tue 1200 WOR WWCR 15685
Tue 1900 WOR RFPI 25930-USB
Tue 2000 COM RFPI 25930-USB
Wed 0300 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6975
Wed 0400 COM RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6975
Wed 1100 WOR RFPI 6975
Wed 1200 COM RFPI 25930-USB 6975

** AFGHANISTAN. 7073.21: I suspect this is Voice of Shari'ah with
middle eastern sounding chants, and into talk at 1630. Unable to tell
language on 11 March, but was much stronger the following day. Best
heard using LSB. 7073.25 on the 12th, with what sounds like Russian at
1630 (Walt Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 11 and 12 March, DX LISTENING

** AUSTRALIA. A 24-hour strike of 600 journalists against ABC
including R. Australia was scheduled to start at 1800 UT March 14 (RA
via BBC Monitoring; The Age via John Figliozzi, swprograms)

** AUSTRIA. Correxion to item in DXLD 00-38: Both Hans-Joachim Koch
and I messed up the frequency computation. His original report says
13720 minus 6145 = 7575 (NOT 7570). But it should be 13730 minus 6155
= 7575. Sorry, Glenn

** BOLIVIA. Alo amigos, Recebi una carta da Radio Mallku e extraio
parte que espero seja de interesse de todos, desculpa ser no idioma
original, mas acredito sera de facil compressao.

RADIO EMISORA MALLKU, "La Voz de los Trabajadores Campesinos del
Altiplano Sud" Radio Emisora Mallku tiene su resolución Administrativa
de la Superientendencia de Telecomunicaciones de La Paz, Bolivia. Esta
situada en la ciudad de Uyuni, Provincia Antonio Quijarro,
Departamento de Potosi y es de propiedad de la Federación Regional
Única de Trabajadores Campesinos del Altiplano Sud (FRUTCAS).

Mi nombre es Erwin Freddy Mamani Machaca, responsable de la
programación de Radio Mallku, trabajo ya dos años y diez meses, tengo
21 años, en el tiempo de mi trabajo es un placer recibir cartas de
recepción de nuestra Radio. Nuestra emisora es una Radio Comunitaria y
Sindical de los Trabajadores Campesinos de Todo el Sudoeste potosino
que aglutina a cinco provincias "Antonio Quijarro, Nor Lipez, Daniel
Campos, Enrique Baldivieso y Sud Lipéz", que las iniciales de cada una
de las provincias se forman la palabra A.N.D.E.S., pero por existir
otra Radio LOS ANDES en la ciudad de Tarija, hemos tenido que cambiar
el nombre por Radio Emisora Mallku, que significa CONDOR y/o
Presidente de las Autoridades Originacionarias que también los dicen

Nuestra programación es la sigiente: MAÑANAS [hora local]
06:00 a 06:30 Música Nacional
06:30 a 07:30 Noticias, Entrevistas, Música(Quechua)
07:30 a 08:00 Programa de Felicitación en Quechua

17:00 a 18:00 Programa de Felicitación y Música Cumbia en Castel
18:00 a 18:30 La hora de las Provincias (Entrevistas, Reportajes)
18:30 a 19:00 Programa Mujer
19:00 a 19:30 Informativo
19:30 a 20:00 Comentarios, Radiogramas, Música, Agropecuaria

Actualmente después de la Otorgación de la "Licencia de
Funcionamiento", en fecha 29 de septiembre estamos trabajando en la
frecuencia de 4.795 KHz (r4.796,6 Ed.), banda de 60 metros. La radio
tiene su consejo de Administración: Froilán Condori PRESIDENTE, German
Carme y Flaviana Porco Titulares; René Mamani y Francisco Quisbert
Suplentes, quienes ejecutan las determinaciones del comité Ejecutivo
de la Federación de Campesinos "FRUTCAS", y el consejo tiene una
duración de un año calendario y su cambio esta previsto en el mes de
abril del 2000.

Uyuni es caracterizada por el intenso frio casi todo el año, centro
Ferroviario y ahora centro de gran promoción Turística, por su
majestoso Gran Salar de Uyuni (10.200 kilometros cuadrados de deserto
de sal y hay un hotel enteramente de sal inclusive sus muebles),
Lagunas verde, Colorada, Azul, Hedionda, los Gueiser y muchos outros.
El Turista lo vive de pasión y se llevan gran recuerdo de Bolivia.
POTOSI - BOLIVIA (via Rogildo Fontenelle Aragao, Cochabamba - Bolivia
Membro do DX CLUBE DO BRASIL via radio-escutas Mar 13 via DX LISTENING

** BULGARIA. R. Bulgaria A-00 in English:

0200-0300  9400 P500/306, 11700 P500/306 to NoAm
1100-1200 15700 P500/306, 17500 P250/292 to WeEu
1900-2000  9400 P500/306, 11700 P500/306 to WeEu
2100-2200  9400 P500/306, 11700 P500/306 to WeEu
2300-2400  9400 P500/306, 11700 P500/306 to NoAm
(Observer, Bulgaria, via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6070, CFRX never ceases to amaze me with its powerful
signal. Heard at 1004, with sports report, then ID at 1005 as
"Toronto's news station, 1010 CFRB". Good to very good, especially
using USB to avoid a cochannel on 6069.5 (Walt Salmaniw, Grayland WA,
11 March, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6069.5 being Papua? Het also a problem
here (gh, OK)

** CONGO DR [non]. Rebel leader Bemba's radio reportedly no longer on
shortwave; Text of report by Abdurazak Mukenge:

"Because of the presence of rebels at the National Consultations,
Rwanda disarms suspicious elements of the Congolese Rally for
Democracy, Uganda silences Radio-Liberte," published by Congolese
newspaper `Le Palmares' on 7th March; subheading as published

Radio Liberte no longer broadcasting on shortwave

In relation to the rebel delegation's participation in the Kinshasa
national consultations, Radio Liberte, which belongs to Jean-Pierre
Bemba's movement, has stopped transmitting on shortwave. It was
reported that this propaganda instrument was banned by the Ugandan
minister in charge of information. But it was mainly because the
United Nations did not give a favourable answer to the request
formulated by the MLC to be given a wavelength. It was Adele Lutsove,
the general secretary in charge of information within the MLC, who
filed the request. On the issue of sharing the airwaves for
broadcasting on shortwave, the United Nations grants permission only
for requests filed by officially recognized governments. As can be
see, things are not going very well between the allied Congolese
rebellion and their masters on the concept of peace and the process to
achieve it. The "lost sons" are ready to come back within the
government's fold but have their hands tied. Utterances by Mrs Oda
Nyangi and Mrs Adele Lutsove on the Voice of America last Friday, 3rd
March, are very revealing. They strongly criticized the behaviour of
the two branches of the RCD "which are using dictatorial methods to
manage the city under their control". Source: `Le Palmares', Kinshasa,
in French 7 Mar 00

(BBC Monitoring March 14, excerpted by gh; this refers to the station
on 15725-USB, evidently originating in Uganda, and which several have
reported hearing *since* March 7! - DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CZECH REPUBLIC. R. Prague programmes:
Mon Spotlight, magazine
Tue Talking Point, a look at issues
Wed Ten Years After, demise of Iron Curtain
Thu Economic Report, business news
Fri Living Czech, Czech language [lessons?]
   Mailbox, listeners` letters
Sat The Arts, cultural scene
   Saturday Music
Sun From the Weeklies, from the periodicals
   Letter from Prague, from a personal view
   Czech Literature
(via Nick Sharpe, March World DX Club Contact via DXLD)

** ECUADOR. HCJB A-00 in English:
     0000 0400  9745 100 351     N. Amer. (E)
     0000 1530 21455   1 35/225  Eur./S. Pac.
     0000 0700 15115  50 330     N. America
     0400 0700  9745 100 325     N Amer. (W)
     0700 0900 15150 250  34     Europe
     0700 1100 11755 100 228     S. Pacific
     1100 1630 12005  50  43     Caribbean
     1100 1630 15115 100 160/353 N/S America
     1900 2200 17660 100  41     Europe
(HCJB via Wolfgang Bueschel; gh excerpted English for DX LISTENING
DIGEST; note that 15115 will clash with New Zealand after 1100,
planned to be used until 1206)

** GREECE. Answering my query about whether VOG ever plays non-Greek

I have just been checking the English broadcast [1900-1925 on 7475,
9375], local news items with, to me, very annoying string version of
Eleanor Rigby between items; the musical bridge is hardly Greek! (Mike
Barraclough, March World DX Club Contact via DXLD)

** HUNGARY. R. Budapest A-00 in English, from March 26:
1900-1930 	Eu	6025 9750 kHz
2100-2130	Eu	6025 kHz
2130-2200	Eu	3975 kHz
0100-0130 	NAm	9560 kHz
0230-0300 	NAm	9835 kHz
(R. Budapest via Hans-Joachim Koch; gh excerpted English only; no sign
of planned Spanish; DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KASHMIR [non?] CLANDESTINE 5101.30 (tent) Voice of Jammu Kashmir
Freedom. Sign on at 1300 with ?vocal national anthem, talk, and in
Qur`an readings at 1302. Lots of static crashes making reception
difficult. At 1401:30 appeared to go into English until 1406, when
there was more music (Salmaniw, 11 March). The following day,
reception was much better. Nice clear signal heard at tune-in at 1337.
Retuned at 1400, but English was not heard until 1415. Snippets of
English heard then "President of the national parliament", "relations
between the two countries". Mentions of Kashmir. Fading by 1421. Still
in English at 1424, but by 1429 not in English anymore. Possible
national anthem at 1430 and sign off (Walt Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 12

** OMAN. 15355, R. Sultanate of Oman March 11 0245-0405+: English at
0300-0400; tune-in at 0245 with ME music. Big Ben chimes at 0300,
followed by English religious talk and introduction to Koran. Koran
recitations in Arabic, and English translations with commentary of the
verses recited. Time pips at 0315, ID and 10 minutes o English news by
woman to 0325. Promos for upcoming FM programs followed by ``Good
Morning, Oman`` English program with local pops, US pops, list of
local events and a lot of chatter by all female studio staff. Back to
Arabic programming after 0400. Very good (Brian Alexander, PA, DX

** OMAN. 15355, Radio Sultanate of Oman with pop music, and talk by a
woman in English at 0342. Good reception. (Salmaniw, 11 March).
15140 heard in English at 1451, interviewing Julie, club manager at
Club Olympus. British accented. Good reception. (Walt Salmaniw,
Grayland WA, 11 March, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 4890. One of the great pleasures of DXing on the
Pacific coast is the fun of listening to these distant regional
stations at armchair level! Superb reception in English at 0912 with
"City Hall" program, describing the emergencies hospitals face,
stabbings, shootings, etc. Then on to "Greening and Cleaning", with
Port Moresby's garbage collection schedule. All in all, a very
enlightening program offering a glimpse of local life in PNG. (Walt
Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 11 March, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SA`UDI ARABIA. 15435: A very interesting situation here at 1659 +
Tuned in at that time to hear two Arabic stations. The dominant one is
Voice of Africa in Libya, while the other is Saudi Arabia with Big
Ben-like gongs at 1700 and every 15 minutes. They both went into the
Holy Qur`an... fascinating to listen as they battle it out. Saudi
Arabia occasionally almost equaled the Libyan. There was no English
until 1726, when I could definitely hear snippets of English from the
Saudi. "Delegation, institution, proclaim..." Back into Arabic at
1730. So I can confirm some English from Saudi Arabia, and unlike the
past, this is not due to a studio error. English again might have been
heard at 1738. Maybe a bilingual program? (Walt Salmaniw, Grayland WA,

** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5019.14: SIBC with very good reception, parallel
to mediumwave 1035. At 0941, long long spot about goods available at
Golden Star Trading Corporation in Honiara... toilet freshener,
Sunlight soap, orange and coconut juice, price only $8.20. You look by
yourself and you buy them. All sizes. Buy twenty five, you get one
free." At 0956, song from our sisters of church of Mulawesa (?sp). At
1000, into English with the news from the SIBC. Population of
Guadalcanal wants to stop or limit the internal migration to their
island. Mentions of Commonwealth Day, with the theme being,
communications challenges. There is a serious lack of parking
facilities in Honiara city. Tree planting areas are being used for car
parks instead. "You are listening to the Solomon Islands Broadcasting
Corporation in Honiara", at 1004. No mentions of the Happy Isles
during the 30 minutes or so monitored. Superb reception, versus the
previous evening when nothing was heard (Walt Salmaniw, Grayland WA,

Note frequency almost 1 kHz low; has this been the case before? If
not, might be sign that the expected new transmitter is in use (gh,

** TURKEY. TRT, Operational Schedule A-00, 26 March to 29 October
2000, daily, ``DSB`` u.o.s.:

Freq. Band  From To    CIRAF ZONES               Site Power
(kHz) (m)   UTC  UTC                                  kW

6155  49    0300 0400  38E,39,40W                EMR  500
7190  41    2200 2300  17,18,27,28W,37N          EMR  500
9525  31    2030 2130  30S,39-41,49S,54,55,58-60 EMR  500
9785  31    1830 1930  18,27,28                  EMR  500
11655 25    0300 0400  2-7,10,18,27,28W          EMR  500   [NAm]
11765 25    1830 1930  18S,27,28W,37N            EMR  500   USB
13640 22    2200 2300  5S,8E,9,11N,27,28W        EMR  500   [NAm]
17830 16    1230 1330  18,27,28W                 EMR  500
21540 13    1230 1330  30S,40,41,49,54,55,58-60  EMR  500
21715 13    0300 0400  40E,41,49,54W,58N         EMR  500

And the new Spanish service, if it actually happens, supposedly also
effective March 26:

15150 19    1630 1700  27S,28,37                 EMR  500
(TRT via Wolfgang Bueschel, exerpted by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST)

V of Turkey in SPANISH ! First noted March 2: 1730-1755 11670 (54554)
over SLBC in Sinhala (Observer, Bulgaria via DXLD)

** UKRAINE. 9870; Finally, a useful signal from Radio Ukraine
International in English at 0400. Excellent reception, with parallels
being 11825 (fair), 9610 (poor to fair), 9600 (fair except for het),
and 6020 (poor). 9870 has to be 1000 kW if located in Ukraine. I don't
think this is a relay, as they used to do long ago with their far
eastern relays to the west coast. One can hear a mild polar flutter on
their frequencies. This frequency should continue to propagate well as
long as the MUF is high enough, and they don't change their schedule
at the end of the month! (Walt Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 11 March, DX

** U S A. I would like to have included the signal on 26.470 MHz, from
radio station WJFP in Fort Pierce FL, in this list [of 25 Plus
activity] but it`s not been heard on air since January (Alan Roberts,
March CIDX Messenger, probably as of mid-February, via DXLD) Indeed
absent from 26470 (and 25910) when WFLA 25870 was booming in at 2246
check March 14 (gh, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VANUATU. 4960: Superb reception, at 0936 too of Radio Vanuatu, in
Bislama with religious sermon. "Help most northern part of Vanuatu.
Help most southern part of Vanuatu. Help most eastern part of Vanuatu.
Help most western part of Vanuatu. Invite Holy Spirit, you come. Bless
the nation. Direct this nation... Alleluia..." Carrier on, but no
programming when rechecked after 1000 (Walt Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 12

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Polisario radio on shortwave

National Radio of the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic (Arabic: al-
idha'at al-wataniyah li al-jumhuriyah al-arabiyah al-sahrawiyah al-
dimuqratiyah) is currently being heard by BBC Monitoring on a new
shortwave frequency, 7470 kHz. The shortwave frequency is heard in
parallel with the radio's current mediumwave channel of 1540 kHz. The
radio broadcasts daily from 0700-0800 and 1800-2300 gmt in Arabic and
from 2300-2359 gmt in Spanish. News bulletins have been confirmed at
1900, 2000 and 2200 gmt in Arabic and at 2305 gmt in Spanish. National
Radio of the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic supports the Polisario
Front, hostile to Moroccan policy on Western Sahara. The radio has
been observed regularly since 1979 on mediumwave. A shortwave
frequency has only been heard irregularly in the past. According to
the radio's web site, it broadcasts from Bir Lehlu in a Polisario-
controlled part of Western Sahara, about 200 km south west of Tindouf,
Algeria - although this has not been confirmed. Source: Monitoring
research 12-14 Mar 00 ((c) BBC Monitoring March 14, via DX LISTENING
DIGEST) How about some DF, BBCM? (gh)                            ###

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