Re: [HCDX]: Fwd: Radio and the Internet
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Re: [HCDX]: Fwd: Radio and the Internet

>  From:    mooredxer@xxxxxxxxx (Don Moore)
>  The following was originally posted to the DEVMEDIA mailing list.
>  It's a very interesting article on why the Internet is not going to
>  replace radio any time soon in underdeveloped countries. Some
>  especially interesting info on Latin American radio in the article.
>  Don Moore    mooredxer@xxxxxxxxx

Yes, indeed very interesting. tnx.

>  > Bruce Girard
>  > bgirard@xxxxxxxxxxxx or bruceg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

He was also editor of the AMARC radio book classic >>A Passion for Radio<<, 
published back in 1992 and presented during the AMARC5 conference in México. 
The same conference, during which people of ex-Voz Popular (Guatemala) and 
Radio Patria Libre (Colombia) appeared for a short while for distributing 
material about their clandestine radios.

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