Re: [HCDX]: unIDed on 4765
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Re: [HCDX]: unIDed on 4765

> This time a brazilian staion is herd on 4765 on 2200 and afterwards ,
which i
> logged many times but the staion  is still for me tentative. Its program
> consists mainly with news thourghout  the reception from 2200-2235
> which can be?
> R Intergracao?
> R Rural?
> the problem is that though its signal is poor ( S3-5 per s meter w/o
> there is a local noise that severely QRN s my reception
> Please help !

hi Zacharias,
I've heard 4765 at 2343 and it was Emisora Rural Santarem, with YM + YL tlk
and also music, with SINPO 22232, here in Sicily.
Then they give a jingle, with no dubt, I think...


Salvo Micciché
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