Re: [HCDX]: Unid on 1390
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Re: [HCDX]: Unid on 1390

Mu guess is WISA which now belongs to Radio Cadena Puerto Rico 
(often announced as Cadena Puerto Rico).
That sounds a little bit like what you have heard...

Jorma Mantyla
Kangasala, Finland

> Stig Hartvig Nielsen wrote:
> > On March 25th at 0425 UTC I heard a Spanish speaking staion on 1390 kHz
> > with a slogan starting with "Con mas potencia  24 horas..."
> >
> > Later at 0457 two IDs sounded very much like "Radio Costa Rica" .... not
> > anything close to WISA or Radio Puerto Rico or Radio Noroeste.
> >
> > So - a wild guess could be that Radio Costa Rica has moved from 960 (or
> > 930) to new 1390 and increased the power to a few hundred kW's  :-))
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