[HCDX]: R Misericrodia
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[HCDX]: R Misericrodia

Hi all,

A couple of weeks back on a DXpedition, I heard a station running religious
programming on 1300kHz over several nights. At first I couldn't pick up what
the ID was though thanks to Henrik Klemetz, it is Radio Misericordia (Radio
Mercy). The tune-out time indicates that the station is probably in Peru and
conditions from there were very good at the time. The id was confirmed by
Jorge Aloy who also added that the phone number started with 770....

Any ideas as to who this might be will be very much appreciated.This station
is presumably also the one heard recently in Australia so it's getting out
very well. My guess is that it's ex-Radio Onda Imperial in Cuzco as the
tune-out time matches sunrise in that city.

Henrik was also kind enough to check another unid so now I have a tentative
id for the station heard on 1110kHz as Radio Antarqui in Lima. Other Lima
stations heard for the first time were Radio Ovacion 620 and R del Pacifico
640 (stronger than the SW parallel!).



Paul Ormandy, 33 Greta Street, Oamaru, New Zealand, paul@xxxxxxxxxxx

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