[HCDX]: High geo activity
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[HCDX]: High geo activity
I thought last night might be good with the high level of geomagnetic
activity, and was rewarded by lots of Latins all over 60mb quite early
in the evening. Unluckily as they faded up so did the noise, which
didn't calm down until later.
Pleased to get Radio San Miguel (presumed - need to go through the tape)
at 0958 on 6895.4, quite good level if it is at the reported 250 watts.
Some utility interference though sync mode on the AOR and passband
tuning can be quite helpful in the right circumstances.
Also pleased to get Cambodia at a very good level on 11940.3 at 1203
s/on in English, most nights this is virtually inaudible from this
location but lat night certainly at a reportable level.
(80km north of Sydney, Australia)
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