[HCDX]: Re: que. about que
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[HCDX]: Re: que. about que

Guido ,
I'll take a stab at this one.
In broadcasting at least in the states, there is often reference to cue tones, cue tones are typically 
subaudible tones used to start up some sort of process, tapes rolling, light fading, etc,

To do something in cue, means to be well synchronised.

With reference to the 26 Mhz stations being referred to as Que or Cue stations, I would agree on that definition, 
as these  are the stations that are used to "cue" into the live broadcast of a remote.
Typically it is a live / no delay rebroadcast of the content which goes out on the air . The actual over the air broadcast signal is delayed a few seconds for editing purposes. 

Listening to the 26 Mhz content can at times be very interesting since the editing does not happen...

Why it is called cue I have not a clue !
Certainly it has no similiarity to that long stick we use in the game of billiards called a cue stick.

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