[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-54 April 17
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[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-54 April 17

DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-54, April 17, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser

{Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing
full credit be maintained at all stages. DXLD may not be reposted in
its entirety without permission}


Days and times strictly UT. Note: this version shows times
while DST is in effect. RFPI activated new 6970 April 16,
and new frequency schedule effective April 17 is now shown.

Wed 1730 COM RFPI 25930-USB 15049
Wed 2330 WOR WBCQ1 7415 [ex-2130 from April 19]
Thu 2030 WOR WWCR 15685
Thu 2300 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049
Fri 0700 WOR RFPI 6970
Fri 0930 WOR WWCR 7435
Fri 1500 WOR RFPI 25930-USB
Fri 1900 COM RFPI 25930-USB 15049
Fri 1930 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049
Fri 2030 WOR WBCQ2 9330-CUSB
Sat 0300 COM RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6970
Sat 0330 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6970
Sat 0300 WOR WWCR 3215
Sat 1100 COM RFPI 6970
Sat 1130 WOR RFPI 6970
Sat 1130 WOR WWCR 15685
Sat 1730 COM RFPI 25930-USB 15049
Sat 1800 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049
Sun 0130 COM RFPI 25930-USB 15049
Sun 0200 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049
Sun 0230 WOR WWCR 5070
Sun 0630 WOR WWCR 5070
Sun 0930 COM RFPI 6970
Sun 1000 WOR RFPI 6970
Sun 2300 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049
Mon 0030 WOR WWCR 3215 [NEW April 17, soon shifting
                 to Sun 2330 on 9475]
Mon 0501 WOR WWCR 3210
Mon 0700 WOR RFPI 6970
Mon 1500 WOR RFPI 25930-USB
Tue 1100 WOR WWCR 15685
Tue 1900 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049
Tue 2000 COM RFPI 25930-USB 15049
Wed 0300 WOR RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6970
Wed 0400 COM RFPI 25930-USB 15049 6970
Wed 1200 COM RFPI 25930-USB

WOR may also be heard at http://www.wrn.org/ondemand
COM may also be heard at http://www.DXing.com

For an exhaustive schedule of all our broadcasts and outlets see:

** BHUTAN. This is a preliminary announcement seeking interest from
ham licensed United States citizens who may wish to join a tour group
to Bhutan for the purpose of operating legal ham radio from that

Unless unforeseen circumstances block this plan...I will organize a
tour group of a max. of 20 USA hams (spouses, children, etc.
additional to this number is OK) to the Kitchu Resort between Paro
and Thimphu in Bhutan for early July 2000 (and maybe another tour
group for the middle of July 2000). Costs approximately $200. per day
per person in-country (nice new two-person room, Western style bath,
all meals, tour trips with guide, access to antennas and electric
power). Air travel to Bhutan extra, but coordinated by the tour.
Photos of the resort accommodations at my DX Forum at Dayton 2000.

There are more details, but to keep this brief, please email to me
your serious statement of interest (no commitments now) with your US
call sign, address, email address, and best telephone number.

I have stayed in Kitchu and three other hotels in Bhutan during my
two trips there in 1998 and 1999. 73, K4VUD, Charly (Charles Harpole,
k4vud@xxxxxxxxxxx April 14 via KB8NW/Ohio Penn DX Bulletin 457, April

** BRAZIL. 2379.92, R Educadora, Limeira, Sao Paulo, 0020 Apr 13,
possibly the one with play-by-play footbal commentary and nice
signal; music and DJ chatter after 0200, but no ID until I gave up
around 0230. (Jay Novello, Wake Forest NC, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. Good Monday! You might want to note a frequency change for
RCI's Monday to Friday morning transmission to Africa at 0600-0659
UTC. The former 17675 kHz frequency has been replaced, as of April
17th, by 17820 kHz. Both the old and the new frequencies are via the
Wertachtal relay in Germany. The move will end the co-channel
conflict, on 17675 kHz, with Radio New Zealand International. 73-
(Bill Westenhaver, RCI, April 17, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHESTERFIELD ISLANDS. TX0DX Challenges National Geographic

The TX0DX 2000 DXpedition organizing team of FK8GM, JA1BK and OH2BH
had to clear several DXCC-related issues on the path to the
Chesterfield Islands becoming the next entity on the DXCC list. They
worked hard at clearing this path for the past two years, and indeed
by March there were no more obstacles in the way. The question of
intervening land between the rest of New Caledonia and the
Chesterfields was obviously one of these critical issues.

If you visit the National Geographic web site at
http://plasma.nationalgeographic.com/mapmachine/ and look for the
Chesterfields, you will see an island group which includes a cluster
of reefs and islets at 158 degrees but also a massive island at 159
degrees 55 minutes East and 19 degrees 15 minutes South. This is
Sandy Island, or Les Ile de Sable on some maps. Observant DXers have
noticed that Sandy Island is still presented on some current maps,
while other recently updated sources (e.g., The Times Comprehensive
Atlas of the World, 10th Edition, 1999) show nothing but open water
in this area.

When asked about the matter, Mr. David Miller, Senior Editor,
National Geographic Maps, explained that the map background on their
map was developed by WorldSat International. This background, which
indicates ocean depth by various shades of blue, was produced using
raw scientific data provided by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) satellites.

The land areas (indicated in green) are based on a large collection
of original maps, some dating back a number of years, and which are
known to contain significant inaccuracies. By looking at the more
accurate satellite-based data, it is clear that the ocean in the area
where Sandy Island is depicted is actually quite deep, and no islands
exist there. Mr. Miller conceded that ``our maps are hopelessly
outdated for this area`` and indicated that they would be updated
soon. The TX0DX team suggested that they indeed had better do so!

What was the significance of Sandy Island? It was one of the key
issues in determining whether the Chesterfield Islands qualified for
addition to the DXCC List as another new entity. It is required that
there should be an open water separation of at least 350 kilometers
between the westernmost point of FK-land and the easternmost point of
Chesterfield Islands. If Sandy Island existed, the separation would
not be sufficient, and the bid to make this a new DXCC entity would
have failed.

But DXers are a determined bunch, and they are not always willing to
take National Geographic maps or other obstacles at face value. After
finishing their own investigation, the TX0DX research group concluded
that this 6-km long claimed island simply does not exist. You may
wish to check out another web site (http://www.clinet.fi/~oh2bn/) to
see a set of photographs taken from the Space Shuttle.

You will also find a set of maps, with and without Sandy Island.
Notice that the claimed island is removed from the more recent maps.
Any cartographer will tell you this is never done without a solid
reason. Standard practice is to include any reported obstacle to
navigation--no matter how unlikely--until it is proven not to exist.
Only then can it be removed from a nautical chart.

It is interesting to note that French, Australian and Japanese marine
charts have all been corrected recently, while many U.S.-based maps
have not. It would appear that U.S.-based IOTA hunters might
seemingly have more options than the local folks!

Additionally, you may wish to exercise your math skills by
calculating the actual distance from FK to TX0DX: from the west end
of Atoll de Portail at 18 deg 30 min South, 162 deg 50 min East to
the east end of Bampton Reef at 19 deg 08 min South, 159 deg 05 min
East which is the official determining line for the required open
water separation.

The DXpedition vessel also stopped at the Nereus Reefs, roughly
midway on their journey to the Chesterfields, since the group had an
academic interest to experience these underwater reefs. It was
exciting indeed to watch the GPS and the breaking waves, while
recording depths of less than 20 meters at times. When nothing could
be found breaking the surface, the TX0DX team knew that clear sailing
was ahead!

The TX0DX DXpedition group wishes to thank the numerous DXers who
took an interest in these remote waters. Now that the issue is water
clear, another new DXCC counter will soon surface.

(Tim Totten, N4GN, April 9, via KB8NW/Ohio Penn DX Bulletin 456.2,
March 10/BARF80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, with apologies for the one

** CHINA. CRI launches Zhejiang show: Text of report in English by
official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China News Agency) Hangzhou,
16th April:

China Radio International (CRI) will broadcast a special English
programme ``Zhejiang Today`` each Wednesday starting from 19th April,
at 0700 [local time]. Listeners in Asia, Africa, Europe, North
America and Oceania and those from China's 22 cities can have a
better understanding of Zhejiang, a picturesque and economically-
developed coastal province in east China, through the programme. The
programme will introduce local economic development, population and
employment, traditional industries, investment environment, foreign-
funded enterprises, the province's history, culture, local conditions
and customs. Source: Xinhua news agency, Beijing, in English 0124 gmt
16 Apr 00 (BBC Monitoring via DXLD)

** CHINA. Re the new program lineup on CRI mentioned on WOR 1032:
Unlike Kim Elliott, who also mentioned it on VOA CW, I neglected to
notice that the this-and-that ``Times`` are subsections of the new
Saturday program, not individual programs spread out through the week
replacing all the others (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. And, in preparation for the new lineup?, China Radio
International (Radio Beijing) has been self-interfering with their 4
UTC (9730 kHz) broadcast to the West Coast with some people in a
studio doing auditions and tryouts right on top of the regular
broadcast. It doesn't happen on weekends. Last Thursday there was 15
repeats of the 'People in the know' introduction over top of the
hourly news. And R. Taiwan Int. played music instead of its regular
(unexplained) technical problems. The more complex the system the
more that can go wrong. Bring back Marconi's spark gap. (Daniel Say,
Simon Fraser University, BC, swprograms via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA / CLANDESTINA. 6258v, Abril 4, El Pueblo Responde, 2200-
2215*, SIO 322, Locutor con comentarios contra la guerrilla pero no
decia que grupo, talvez contra la FARC-EP, aunque se mueve a las 2214
UT vario a 6256 KHz donde se lograba escuchar por Locutor ``...Hasta
aqui otra edicion de El Pueblo Responde, a nuestras amigas [sic]
guerrilleras les dedicamos esta Guasquita...  El Pueblo Responde a
partir de este momento Ud. esta en compan~ia de El Pueblo
Responde...`` Quedo en silencio a las 2215 UT cierre.

6261v, Abril 10, Voz de la Resistencia Bloque Oriental, 1145- SIO de
221, interferida por presumible El Pueblo Responde emitiendo musica
Vallenata sin parar, llegando a moverse hasta los 6258v para evitar
la interferencia pero el Jammer tambien se movia.

Nota: Aunque anteriormente yo reportaba La Voz del Pueblo pero salia
al aire una voz femenina. Ellos colocaban musica colombiana sin
parar. Con El Pueblo Responde por locutor tiene casi el mismo formato
pero hablan mas. Nota2: Reportada primero por Santiago San Gil en
Banda Tropical # 7 (Yimber Gaviria, Colombia, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COSTA RICA. Hearing RFPI on 6970, noted at 0502 April 16 with
Alternative Radio. Good signal up here, so they must have got the
repairs done. 73 (Don Moman, Lamont, Alberta, CANADA, DX LISTENING
DIGEST) Also noted here at 1028, and since. Per RFPI Weekly Update
new frequency schedule is: (gh)

0300-0800 6970 (to 1200 on weekends)
1200-0400 25930-USB
1600-0400 15049

This is reflected in the new WOR/COM schedule at top of this DXLD.

** ECUADOR. 4019, Abril 8, tentative LV de su Amigo, (3 x 1340
armonico, reportada primero por el Diexista Mark Mohrmann), 1002-,
SIO 222, emitiendo musica folclorica ecuatoriana; luego OM ``Buenos
dias hermanos colombianos, buenos dias hermanos ecuatorianos los que
tengan la ideologia religiosa... estimados hermanos, vamos a dar
contestacion a varias cartas que nos han llegado desde Colombia`` <No
mia!> Tambien 1055-1105 UT Dificil para poder escucharlos. Tambien en
Abril 13 0030-0130, debil pero claro, colocando musica Bolero,
programa Sentimientos y Recuerdos. Abril 13 1120-1135 222 c/nx, 2315-
2340 222 SIO, Abril 14 0032-0045 322, al fin consegui una
Identificacion por OM ``...La Voz de tu Amigo AM y FM.`` (Yimber
Gaviria, Colombia, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. All India Radio GOS in English schedule:
2245-0045 7410 9705 9950 11620 13625
1000-1100 1053 11585 13700 15020 17485 17840 17895
1330-1500 9710 11620 13710
1745-1945 7410 9950 11620 11935 13750 15075 15200
2045-2230 7150 7410 9650 9910 9950 11715 (via Alok Das Gupta, April
14, via Wolfgang Bueschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. A quick check of the new clandestine operation from
Grigoriopol [Radio Voice of Iran ? is this really new?? -gh] 1630-
1830 on 12065 showed a striking narrow audio bandwith. Perhaps the
signal is forwarded simply by phone line to Bush House and from there
forwarded by Merlin through regular circuits to Moscow and from there
to Grigoriopol. (Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 16, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ITALY [non]. Last night I found (but here inside the local noise I
must add) no trace of any carrier on 846; looks like it is currently
indeed occupied by no European transmitters at night, rather uncommon
in the crowded AM band. Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 16, DX

** U K. Subject: Closedown Portishead Radio 30 Apr / 30 June
History is shutting down: Portishead Radio GKA to close.

Cross band event
BT Maritime Radio Services have announced that Portishead Radio and
all of the VHF stations will close at 1200z on Sunday 30 April. The
MF stations will close at 1200z on Friday 30 June.

Portishead Radio first came on air 80 years ago in 1920 and was to
become the largest communications centre in the world. It employed
over 340 people and was the CW and RT centre for the Commonwealth.
BT Maritime Services have agreed to run a special cross band
maritime/amateur event on Saturday 29th April 2000. The details are
as follows: -

Date: 29th April 2000. Time 0700 - 1900 UTC
Call sign....... Frequency......... Amateur Frequency + or -  5 kHz
GKB2............. 4274.................... 3525
GKB4............. 8559.5.................. 7025
GKB5............ 12835.4.................. 14050
GKB6............ 17113.................... 18075
GKB7 ............22448.7.................. 21050

There will be three stations operating at any one time - subject to
the commercial requirements of the station. BT has appointed the
Radio Officers Association to handle the amateur side of this
operation and the liaison officer is David Barlow G3PLE.


Amateurs are asked to note that there will be NO access to BT sites
and following closure and there will be no surplus equipment for
sale. Any enquiries from radio amateurs should be routed through

Contact details: -
David Barlow G3PLE PO Box 50, Helston, TR12 7YQ

e-mail (for this event) d.barlow@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Event Website: http://you.genie.co.uk/d.barlow


Special efforts will be made to beam towards Commonwealth countries
at appropriate times. Please e-mail details of which frequency band
and time suits your part of the world.

BT Maritime Radio Services have decided to run this Cross Band
Amateur Radio / Maritime event to  mark 100 years of terrestrial
maritime radio.

The Marconi Company set up 8 Maritime Coast Radio Stations in
England and Ireland in 1900 - one of which still stands at Bass
Point in Cornwall. These operated with spark transmitters. Following
tests from the famous Poldhu site short wave transmissions became
possible and long distance HF stations were set up.

Portishead Radio started transmissions from its site at Portishead
near Bristol in 1920. Its size grew and it played a significant part
in the safety of life at sea during World War 2.

After the war the Commonwealth Area Scheme was set up at Portishead
as a centre for both Royal Navy and Merchant Navy communications.
Halifax CFH and Vancouver CKN formed part of this world wide
network. During the 1950's and 1960's Portishead was the largest
communications centre in the world handling millions of words by
morse  each year. It employed over 300 operators at that time.

CW was overtaken by R/T to a great extent and the station changed
with the times. The "Area" scheme became defunct and the station
steadily declined with the introduction of satellite communications.

In line with all the other great stations Portishead will cease its
Maritime service on 30th April and within a month the  remaining MF
coast stations will also close. Famous names such as Lands End Radio
GLD will no longer be on the airwaves.

100 years has seen terrestrial maritime radio start, become an
important feature of safety of life at sea and now it is virtually
finished (there will be a few stations remaining in some parts of
the world).

BT Maritime Radio Services wish to put on this event as a tribute to
all those stations and people who have contributed to the maritime
radio service over 100 years. There are thousands of former Radio
Officers who would like to take this opportunity to pay their last
respects to the service in which they worked.

This is the end of a century of progress which has moved the world
"from Spark to Satellite". David G3PLE (Virtual Radio Club April 15
via Dr Hansjoerg Biener via Wolfgang Bueschel, DXLD)

** U K. Hello, regarding Portishead Radio: Especially also all the
announced commercial frequencies are CW only. Here are some voice
frequencies for Portishead Radio: 4360 (GKT22), 4432 (GKV26), 8764
(GKU46), 8794 (GKV46), 13092 (GKT56), 13170 (GKW52), 17245 (GKT62),
17293 (GKU68), 17359 (GKW60), 19761 (GKU18). There are also some
further voice channels registered, alongside with various maritime
ones also frequencies inside the aero and fixed services bands, all
using the call GKX, no idea what a maritime station has to do there.

Anyway this story reminds me to old fellow 2614 with the famous
alarm-clock tick, followed by "Hier ist Norddeich Radio", of course
both canned. Today only the DLF news announcers are still busy with
lengthy sea weather forecasts, aired three times a day on 177, 1269
and 6005 exclusively. Back in last year I found a logging of 177 from
North America, mentioning that "something was read out slowly"...
(Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 16, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K. (Re DXLD 00-49) Here are the missing BBC frequencies for
Central and West North America, from their frequency charts:

00:00 05:00 5975
00:00 07:00 6175
02:00 04:00 6135
12:00 14:00 9515
12:00 16:00 15520 [also listed is 9740, East Asia programs]
13:00 16:00 11865
14:00 18:00 9590
18:00 20:00 9590 Saturday only
22:00 02:00 9590

(BBC web site via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

?? The 9590 usage at 1400-2000 could be something new from an Asian
or WNAm site??? Not yet heard, at 1440 check April 16. Or more likely
this is what really has been on 17840 for a long time via Antigua,
and Sackville, error by only 8250 kHz (gh, DXLD)

** U S A. 2480.00 KDGO, Durango, Colorado. (2 x 1240 harmonic), 0902-
1030 April 15, Solid +10dB over signal all morning long. 'Oldies
Radio' network feed with occasional local ID inserts. ``KDGO AM 1240,
Radio Durango``. Never noticed before and nothing heard the next
morning Apr 16 (Mark Mohrmann, VT, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. [SWL] 2480 kHz second harmonic. I typically don't post logs
here, but this one I just had to. Last night at 1000+ UTC (3 AM at my
CA QTH), I was scanning the 120 mb when I came across ``KDGO AM 1240,
oldies radio`` with a fairly strong signal on 2480 kHz. Obviously
this was the second harmonic of what I later discovered to be KDGO
1240 kHz in Durango, CO. BTW, I couldn't receive this station at all
on its actual frequency of 1240 kHz. I thought that was a pretty cool
catch. Moc (Mike Mocha, April 15, swl@xxxxxxx via DXLD)

** U S A. WGTG as we know stated that their current attitude to
QSLing was that it would require an addressed envelope, $2 and 5
hours worth of programme details. I have sent all this off in a very
comprehensive and detailed report. You wouldn't believe some of the
nonsense spouted on 6890usb, a channel mainly sold out to ``super
patriot`` groups.  I was never quite sure what 'super patriot'
actually meant, but it appears to be someone who is intolerant to
pretty well every other race, religion and lifestyle, obsessed
with 'outing' US governments past & present for alleged scandals and
dishonesty, and trying to earn a few dollars by convincing as many as
possible that either (a) there is an imminent nuclear strike or (b)
there is a government conspiracy to strip Joe Public of his home and
wealth, and using this to persuade them to invest in vitamin and food
supplement tablets, tents, water purifiers and Grundig short wave
radios (at least that's not such a bad thing).

The 'severity' of these broadcasts varies; one of the more disturbing
is Voice of Freedom, a neo-Nazi/anti-Semitic program of some
organisation run by an Ernst Zundell.

I had read of such programs over the years in PWBR, but only really
got such an insight by chasing up this elusive WGTG QSL. Anyone know
actually how many Americans are caught up in these sentiments? (Tom
Read, BDXC-UK via DXLD)

** U S A [non]. World Beacon tell me that they will be starting an
Australian service in about 10 days; schedule to follow. The African
service well heard here UT April 17 at 1930 on 9675 [UK site] (Chris
Hambly, Victoria, April 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Forgive me if I cannot get too excited about yet another gospel-
huxter service polluting the SW bands, and giving a drastically
skewed impression of America to the rest of the world. If this is
what keeps shortwave ?`alive``, it may be better off dead. These
transmitters could be carrying something valuable like BBC (gh)

** U S A. VOA Sexism was Hidden, Entrenched. Another disheartening
story on this shameful subject is in the April 17 Washington Post:


(via Mike Cooper, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


The 26th Annual National Convention of American Atheists will be
broadcast live on the internet beginning next Friday, April 21. The
convention takes place at the luxurious Westin San Francisco Airport,
and includes a blockbuster lineup of speakers, Leadership Training
and activist workshops, social events, the Life Members "Legacy"
Dinner and the Annual Membership Banquet where we recognize the
outstanding achievements and contributions of those who in the past
year have contributed so much in the struggle for atheist civil
rights and the separation of church and state. The convention will be
broadcast live with streaming audio and video. Visitors may log on to
http://www.atheists.org/convention/ for more information. On Line
registration for the convention has now closed. Walk in registration,
however, will take place on Friday morning, April 21 beginning at
8:00 a.m. Speakers for this historic gathering include:

 WENDY KAMINER -- Social critic, editor, author of ``Sleeping with
Extra-Terrestrials: The Rise of Irrationalism and Perils of
 DOUGLAS ADAMS -- Award-winning novelist, author of ``Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy`` and other works.
 KEAY DAVIDSON -- Science reporter for the San Francisco Examiner,
author of the new biography on astronomer Carl Sagan.
 ANN STONE -- Children's book author, speaking on ``Living in the
Light: Freeing Your Child From the Dark Ages.``
 JAMES G. Dwyer, author of ``Religious Schools vs. Children's
Rights`` (Cornell University Press)
 "REV." CHRIS HARPER, satirist and Deacon of Landover Baptist Church
 DAVID SEABORG, evolutionary biologist, President of Rainforest Fund
The action begins Friday morning, April 21. If you can't be there
in person, be there on the web at
http://www.atheists.org/convention/ (AA Newsletter April 16 via DX

** U S A. Jim Bohannon?s topic is National TV Turnoff Week, live UT
Sat April 22 at 0207 on Westwood One Entertainment network (gh, DXLD)

** URUGUAY. 6045, R Sarandi Sport, will transmit only this current
week during the bicycle racing. Power is 150 W. The transmitter is at
the stn, but the ownership belongs to the production team which
carries the coverage, lead by Sr. Joaquin Telis. Internet audio is at
http://www.elsitio.com.uy (Horacio A. Nigro, Montevideo, Uruguay,
April 17, DX LISTENING DIGEST)                               ###

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