[HCDX]: DX-Camp Bavaria
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[HCDX]: DX-Camp Bavaria

Dear DX-friends,

once again I spent some wonderful days - I better should say nights - at the
traditional DX-Camp Bavaria. Altogether we had very fine results on the
tropical bands as well as on medium wave. My personal highlight was La Voz
del Napo from Ecuador, which came in on 3279.6 with S9 like a local one.
Additionally I enjoyed very much the reception of some stations from
Guatemala, due to the well working Beverage-antenna in that direction and
due to good ionospheric conditions. So I could listen to Radio K'ekchi' in
excellent quality. A real surprise was Radio Maya on its 120m-band frequency
2360 and the new Radio Verdad on 4052.5. May be that this is the first
logging of this new GTM-station in Germany. A lot of local Peruvians came
through, too. I especially was happy about reception of the rarely audible
Radio Santa Rosa on 1500 in parallel with 6045.4. Listening to Radio Comas
on 90m was a real pleasure, too.

I prepared sound files in Real Audio format of some camp-highlights:

R Comas,  67.1 KB
R Madre de Dios,  59.2 KB
La Voz del Campesino,  53.4 KB
La Voz del Napo,  59.2 KB
R Panamericana,  127 KB
R K'ekchi',  131 KB
R Mam,  53.4 KB

I'll send them to all interested DXers. Please let me know by e-mail.
Further information you will find in the clip info.

The technical features of the DX-camp:

Time:  April 13 - April 17,  2000

Location:  a lovely place in southern Germany
                  (lat: 49° 47', long: 11° 08')

Antennas: 260° to Bolivia/Perú (300m Beverage)
                  280° to Guatemala (300m Beverage)
                  the antennas were installed 1.20m above the ground

Receiver:  JRC NRD-525

And now enjoy the following DX-list, which exclusively contains loggings
from Latin America, my favourite area of DXing.


3494.6  R Emisora Padilla, April 15, 0040-0100, Spanish, music of the Andes,
ID.  24322

4409.8  R Eco, Reyes, April 13, 2305-2310, Spanish, folklore songs, ID with
QRG ("amables oyentes ...").  33322

4471.7 R Movima, Santa Ana de Yacuma, April 13, 2315-2320, Spanish,
mensajes, ID: "Amigos oyentes, Radio Movima".  33423

4649  R Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, April 15, 2215-2235, Spanish,
religious program, sermon, pasillos, ID.  35323

4702.2  R Eco, San Borja, April 13, 2255-2305, folklore songs.  33323

4796.4  R Mallku, Uyuni, April 16, 2235-2310, Spanish, love songs, letters
of listeners, the speaker mentioned the letter of a certain Señora Victoria
López, comunicados, ID.  44434

4855  R Centenario La Nueva, Santa Cruz d la Sierra, April 16, 2210-2235,
Spanish, religious songs, the speaker recommended to the journal "El pueblo
mío", a song entitled "Gloria Señor".  45434

4875  R La Cruz del Sur, La Paz, April 13, 2245-2255, Spanish, news
magazine, ID.   4 5 4 2 3-4

4926.5  R San Miguel, Riberalta, April 13, 2320-2335, Spanish, religious
program till 2330, ID, advertisement, time announcement followed by "música
de la región".  34423

6105.5  R Panamericana, La Paz, April 14, 2240-2250, Spanish, weather
forecast, soccer, Copa de América, ID: "en sintonía con Panamericana",
excellent signal (S9).  44434

6134.8  R Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, April 15, 2315-2325, Spanish,
folklore festival in Santa Cruz, the speaker presented music groups from the
Santa Cruz department.  33433


6034.9  La Voz del Guaviare, San José de G., April 14, 2250-2300, Spanish,
advertisement "Lotería de Bogotá", ID.  34423

6115.1  La Voz del Llano, Villavicencio, April 16, 2340-2350, Spanish, phone
call from a certain Señora Ortíz, "festival de la música popular", ID.


15049  RFPI, April 14, 2200-2210, English, international news, ID.  35534


6025.1  R Amanecer, Santo Domingo, April 14, 2300-2310, Spanish, religious
songs and "palabras contemplativas".  33423


3279.6  La Voz del Napo, Tena, April 15, 0120-0140, Spanish, report about
the Cuban boy Elian in Florida, soccer information, special report about FC
Barcelona, Copa América, ID: "La Voz del Napo, por el camino de la paz",
sensational strong signal.  44434

4870  Voz del Upano, Macas, April 14, 0120-0130, Spanish, education program,
strong signal (S9).  4 4 4 2 3-4


2360  R Maya, Barillas, April 15, 0200-0215, Spanish, slow marimba music, //
3324.8.  13322

3360  La Voz de Nahualá, April 14, 0230-0253, Quiché language (presumed),
romantic songs, marimba music, ID, closing down in Spanish at 0253.  34323

4052.5  R Verdad, April 15, 0015-0020, Spanish, choir, tentative ID.  22322

4799.8  R Buenas Nuevas, San Sebstian, April 14, 0140-0200, Mam language
(presumed), religious songs with electronic organ, ID in Spanish as follows:
"Desde San Sebastian, Huehuetenango, Guatemala, Centro América, transmite
Radio Buenas Nuevas en la frecuencia ... autorizada 4800 kilociclos, banda
de 60 metros y ... frecuencia modulada ..."  33423

4825  R Mam, Cabricán, April 17, 0025-0036, Spanish/Mam, comunicados with
marimba music in the background, ID, c/d at 0036.  33333

4835  R Tezulutlán, Cobán, April 14, 0130-0135, K'ekchi' language
(presumed), talk female voice.  44434

4845  R K'ekchi', Alta Verapaz, April 16, 0100-0200, K'ekchi' language, slow
songs, the speaker presented a music group called "grupo musical Alfa y
Omega", religious program, ID in Spanish: "Radio K'ekchi', Voz Evangélica en
todo lugar. TGVC, 4845 kilohertz en la banda de 60 metros, Fray Bartolomé de
las Casas, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. TGVC, La Voz Evangélica de las Casas."


4819.2  La Voz Evangélica, Tegucigalpa, April 14, 0140-0200, Spanish,
information about sexual problems referring to a listener's question.  44434

4930.7  R Costeña, San Pedro Sula, April 14, 0305-0315, Spanish, religious
songs.  44323


1470  CPN-Radio, Lima, April 14, 0035-0045, Spanish, Copa de América, ID.

1500  R Santa Rosa, Lima, April 14, 0100-0110, Spanish, pasillos, many IDs.

3230.2  R El Sol de los Andes (presumed), Juliaca, April 15, 0100-0120,
Spanish, sermon.  22322

3234.9  R Luz y Sonido, Huanuco, April 15, 0150-0200, Spanish, huayno music,
ID.  23322

3250.8  R Comas, Lima, April 16, 2350-0005, Spanish, huayno music, slogan:
"Radio Comas, la emisora lider".  44323

3329.5  Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco, April 15, 0140-0150, Spanish, local
news, phone reports.  22322

3340  R Altura, Cerro de Pasco, April 14, 0220-0230, Spanish, advertisement,
ID, devotional program, letters from listeners ("Amables oyentes, tenemos 8
cartas de oyentes").  22322

4515.7  R Amistad, Lima, April 14, 2350-2400, Spanish, huayno music, ID,
QRG, time announcement.  24322

4534.2  R Horizonte, Chiclayo, April 16, 0005-0015, Spanish, Andean music,
ID.  24222

4747.3  R Huanta 2000, April 16, 0025-0035, Spanish, advertisement,
mensajes, "cooperativa Santa María" mentioned, huayno music, ID.  34323

4824.4  La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, April 16, 0015-0025, Spanish,
agricultural information for campesinos concerning the activities of
campesino organisations in the region.  33433

4826.4  R Sicuani, April 15, 0000-0015, Spanish/Quechua, brief advice in
Quechua about vaccination (presumed), the speaker often mentioned
"vacunación", mensajes, huayno music.  33322

4890.2  R Chota, April 14, 0115-0120, Spanish, advertisement, many IDs,
jingles with echo.  23322

4935 R Tropical, Tarapoto, April 16, 0045-0055, Spanish, comunicados, ID.

4950.1  R Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, April 14, 2330-2340, Spanish, ID:
"Saludo musical en Madre de Dios", unusual strong signal.  44434

4975.1  R del Pacífico, Lima, April 14, 2315-2330, Spanish, religious
program, preview on a special program of the next day ("horario de
oración"), ID. 33323

4990.9  R Ancash, Huaraz, April 15, 2235-2250, Spanish, LA pop music. ID.

5019.9  R Horizonte, Chachapoyas, April 14, 0055-0100, Spanish, huayno
music, blocked by QRM at 0100, ID.  33323

5039.2  R Libertad, Junín, April 14, 0045-0055, Spanish, nice pasillos, time
announcement.  34323

5323.7  La Voz de Anta (presumed), April 15, 0020-0025, huayno music, weak
signal.  12321

5678  R Ilucan, Cutervo, April 15, 2345-2400, Spanish, romantic songs, ID.

6045.4  R Santa Rosa, Lima, April 15, 2325-2330, Spanish, indications to
local events in Lima, ID. 22422

6173.8 R Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, April 15, 2250-2305, Spanish, huayno music,
advertisement, ID, station understandable only during word program of BBC on
6175.  21421

6479.7  R Altura, Huarmaca, April 16, 2335-2340, Spanish, huayno music, ID.

6520.4  R Paucartambo, April 13, 2355-0005, Spanish, huayno music, mensajes,
ID, time announcement.  33423

6535.8  R Difusora Huancabamba, April 14, 0020-0030, Spanish, huayno music,
mensajes, ID.  23322

6797.6  Ondas del Rio Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca, April 15, 0030-0040, Spanish,
sermon.  24422

6956.6  La Voz del Campesino, Huarmaca, April 16, 2315-2335, Spanish, music
of the Andes, mensajes, pasillos, time announcement, ID.  35433

7040.6  Estación JCC (presumed), Huancabamba, April 15, 2305-2315, music of
the Andes, station too weak for clear ID.  12221


4939.5  R Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho, April 17, 0015-0020, Spanish, folklore
music, ID.  22322

O.K. That's all.
Best wishes to the hcdx community.

Michael Schnitzer

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