Re: [HCDX]: 4930 @ 1500 UTC
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Re: [HCDX]: 4930 @ 1500 UTC

Your description fits Turkmen Radio 2nd Programme, exactly. The schedule last time I checked (about three months ago) was 0400-1900, with Mayak relay at 0100-0400 and 1900-2000.
----- Original Message -----
From: KC7LDP
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 4:32 PM
Subject: [HCDX]: 4930 @ 1500 UTC

What's here? Sub-cont. mx w/ M&W anns. with Russian-type audio. This day only, not noted on previous days. Turkmen R. listed 0100-2030 in WRTH but, 2130-0100 in HFCC A00. Mostly USB+carrier, very little audio in LSB and very overmodulated. Exact on 4930 kHz. Quite strong & steady.
Terry Palmersheim, KC7LDP/FOƘPAM