[HCDX]: Bolivian bandscan
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[HCDX]: Bolivian bandscan


good conditions toward Bolivia last night. This is a little band scan of BOL
stations that were audible here last night:

4649  R. Sta. Ana in Spanish with continous talk and music of the Andes,
2230-2237, 21.04., poor
4874.95  R. La Cruz del Sur in Spanish with local news ("problemas
respiratorios, viviendas afectadas por un terremoto, derrame de petroleo),
2240-2306, excellent (O=4), 21.04.
3310  R. Mosoj Chaski in Vn with music of the Andes and religious songs,
2314-2320, 21.04., poor
4796.4  R. Mallku in Spanish with talk, time announcements and frequent
ID's, 2322-2340, 21.04., fair
6024.97  R. Illimani in Spanish with frequent mentioning of Bolivia and time
announcements, 2342-2352, 21.04., poor

Happy Easter to everybody!

Vy 73,

Enzio Gehrig

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