[HCDX]: Loggings, Antenna Question, and Recommendation
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[HCDX]: Loggings, Antenna Question, and Recommendation

 Tuesday morning loggings

  3265  RRI Bengkulu - Exceptional signal at 1300 w/male announcer
  3345  RRI Ternate(tentative no id) Another booming signal at 1315, sounded
Indonesian but no ID
  4606  RRI Serui (tentative) Another Indonesian sounding station at 1330,
great signal if it is Serui and only .5 kw, Im going to record it tomorrow.
  4725  R. Myanmar fair signal but fluttering w/ unknown dialect at 1330

   Seems local sunrise here in Northern California is pretty good for Asians
so I'll do more monitoring before work.

   Onto the antenna question...In a horizontal loop does feedpoint height
and position(corner or not) make a difference?

   And the recommendations...if you have your receiver hooked up to the
audio of your computer I would recommend a program called Recall from
http://www.sagebrush.com , it timestamps the recording and has 3 timers. 

  And one more...I just purchased a Wellbrook line isolator and it works
wonders for getting rid of interference from my computer and network cable
running in my receiving room. 

 Patrick Buckingham
 Drake R8
 230 ft. Horizontal Loop
 Davis, Ca
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