Re: [HCDX]: How QSL? (was: Why QSL?)
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Re: [HCDX]: How QSL? (was: Why QSL?)

On Thu, 27 Apr 2000 14:26:08 -0600, you wrote:

>I have received reports from several DXers around the world for Radio Costeña, which is 10 minutes
>drive from where I live.
>I have to say the results have been dissapointing.
>We (DXers) had better luck when it was Radio Internacional.  At least they replied sometimes, and
>if I would go to the station with a friend's report and wait there, they would usually verify by
>letter, hand it to me and I would then mail it.
>After it was renamed to Radio Costeña, the whole administration staff was changed, because the
>station is now owned by an evangelic church.  I happened to meet the director once (I had to go to
>church in order to do so :-)), and we had a nice chat about the DXing hobby, QSLing and the like.
>He actually thought that the US$1 he was getting in the mail with reception reports was God's
>answer to his prayers for financing.....  So we talked, and I told him I would visit him some day
>with a bunch of reports, to which he agreed.
>The bad part happened when I came to visit.  He told me to call him before I went there, so he
>would be ready with a secretary.  I called, they asked "who is it?"  I said "It's Elmer, he knows
>me, he told me to call."   I was then asked to wait on hold, and after 10 minutes on hold the girl
>said:  "He can't recall meeting you.  Please call later, he is in a meeting".  The same story went
>on the next time I called, so I decided to go there without calling before.   i got to the
>station, I explained to the front desk girl what I was there for, and she told me to wait.  She
>went inside and when she came back she told me it was the man's "prayer hour" and noone was to
>disturb him.  When I asked her how long was his "prayer hour", she said she didn't know, it is
>better to come some other day.  So then I came back three days in a row, I was given all kinds of
>"bull" stories until I just gave it up.  I figure the guy wanted the US$ for himself, and didn't
>want to have someone to accuse him of that, so he kept hiding.
Dear Elmer,

I think you did almost anything to get in contact with the station director!
It's a miracle to receive a QSL from such a station!
Yes indeed Radio Internacional had a nice QSL card, of wich I have one.
I think this gives a idea how diffecult it is to receive QSL's from this
kind of stations.

Good luck!

Ruud vos
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