Re: [HCDX]: Radio Nationaal
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Re: [HCDX]: Radio Nationaal
On Thu, 4 May 2000 15:23:19 +0200 , you wrote:
>According to the Dutch medianews magazine Radio Visie, Radio Nationaal on
>1035 Khz is broadcasting from a small village called Hunsel , south-east
>from the city of Weert.
>Transmitter power is 10 Kilowatts.
Dear Rene,
I do not know their adress, but I think we must contact the station about
producing a QSL card, because they will receive many reception reports
with their freq.
So fellow DX'ers in the netherlands, stand up and contact Radio Nationaal!
Many DXers will be grateful!!!
Ruud Vos
QSL Manager 1584AM
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