[HCDX]: UNID 1205.68 off again...
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[HCDX]: UNID 1205.68 off again...

Hi -
maybe somebody is interested what is happening with the UNID Farsi (Dari?)
station reported by me on MAY 3 + 4. The station was not on the air also
last night (MAY 5/6), the second night in a row.

So I tried the Voice of the People of Kurdistan at 0215 UTC on 4461 and
6995.2 kHz. They play (revolutionary?) songs some 15 minutes before the
"official" start at 0215. Their programming is completely different from the
UNID station on 1205.68 kHz. They mention "Kurdistan" in every sentence
while the station on 1205.68 kHz does not speak about Kudistan nor Kurds at

Karel Honzik,
the Czech Republic

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