Re: [HCDX]: Brazilian on 4905 kHz
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Re: [HCDX]: Brazilian on 4905 kHz
> Hello,
> I heard almost daily a brazilian station on 4905 kHz even after 0430 UTC.
> There was no clear ID, once mentioned Goiania another time even "Salvador
> da Bahia", some time announcements. According to some frequency lists both
> R. Relogio and R. Anhanguera close earlier than 0430. I presume it is
> Anhanguera but perheaps somebody knows it exactly.
> 73s
> Erich Bergmann
> Ansbach, Germany
Hi Erich,
according to my notes, the station on 4905.1 kHz is Radio Anhanguera,
Araguaiana relaying "FM Araguaia 99.7" (same owner). Heard here also after
0600 UTC...
I hope it is still valid. Although I hear this signal almost daily, I
usually do not wait for identification.
The signal is quite weak here.
Karel Honzik,
the Czech Republic
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