[HCDX]: La on 5927 kHz
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[HCDX]: La on 5927 kHz

is Rdif Mineira in Bolivia still (or again?) active on aproximatly5927
kHz? And (if so) who is the other station there?
Last night (May 23rd) when DX-ing in Fredriksfors there were quite good
signals from Bolivia on the 49 mb (5952,7 R Pio XII, 6025 R Illimani,
6054,4 R Juan XXIII, 6105,5 R Panamericana, 6135 R Santa Cruz) at about
22.45 - 23.30 UTC.
There were also very weak signals on 5927,13 that could be Mineira, but
also a LA-signal on 5926,85. Both were totally unreadable
Best regards from
Jan Edh, Hudiksvall, Sweden

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