[HCDX]: IRCA's AM DX NewsFlash - 5/25/00
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[HCDX]: IRCA's AM DX NewsFlash - 5/25/00

            WELCOME TO IRCA's AM-DX NEWSFLASH  -  May 25 2000
                            Vol 6  No 8

                   IRCA's web site... check it out!!

Deadline for next issue - Thursday, June 1 2000 @ 1400 UTC

Send all contributions to me @ phil@xxxxxxxxxxx

"**" denotes that the tip/info/etc. came from the IRCA eGroup. You must 
be a member of IRCA to subscribe to the eGroup at http://www.egroups.com

I'm going to put the NewsFlash in order of criticalness... the HOT STUFF 
will appear first and will proceed to "cooler" items (not time 
critical). This should allow DXers interested in current items to check 
out the TOP of each issue. Please let me know if there are other items I 
list that are HOT.  pb
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NRC Log editor Wayne Heinen (Nrclog@xxxxxxx) is looking for the updated 
information in the following areas:
"The changes that are needed are Addresses, Phone Numbers. formats, 
network affiliations and Hours of Operation.  These are the keys to 
logging and verifying they also are the most changed and hard to track.  
I need all update to me NO LATER THAN August 1st because we are going 
back to a Labor Day availability date."

** Dennis Gibson - dcgibson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

>From radiodigest.com's "The Daily Grind" (today's edition):

Muhammad Ali Radio
  You've heard of the all-Beatles format and the all-Elvis format? An 
L.A. radio station now has the "All Muhammad Ali, All The Time" format.
  KBET (850 AM, licensed to Thousand Oaks) is running a 55-minute 
biography of the three-time heavyweight champion, 24 hours a day. 
Bumpers between segments say, "All Ali, All the Time" and "More memories 
of the Greatest -- This is Muhammad Ali Radio."
  The Ali format is part of a promotional link with a Tony Robbins-type 
success seminar being run by L.A.-based sister stations KIIS-FM (102.7 
FM) and XTRA Sports 1150 (KXTA-AM). Ali is scheduled to pick up an award 
at the event, hosted by Jim Rome. The event will also feature a gaggle 
of sports heroes talking about "the secrets of their winning ways."

** Bruce Portzer - Seattle WA - bportzer@xxxxxxxx

  Per a friend in Edmonton, CKUA is polling its audience to see if 
anyone listens to their AM outlet on 580. Listeners can voice their 
opinion online at http://www.ckua.org or to a toll free phone line. 
They're doing this for "planning purposes", i.e. to see if they should 
keep the AM on the air (they already have an extensive FM network).
  It looks like another Alberta station might bite the dust.

** Dennis Gibson - dcgibson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  KGXL-1650, recently sold for $30 million, has changed its format to 
Korean, as was rumored. It is //KFOX-93.5 and KREA-93.5, both of which 
are in the LA/Riverside area, but are Class A's and consequently don't 
get out that well. I found it this evening as I was checking out my new 
Realistic 12-655 TRF (which just arrived today) to see how much of the 
expanded band it would cover. Like my other (and far inferior) Realistic 
TRF (12-656A), it covers up to 1650. I'm not sure when the change took 

That 12-655 TRF sure must have been ahead of its time. It will do
everything my Superadio I will.

** David Gleason - david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  Actually, they bought 1650 because the twin 93.5 signals were sold and 
will be going Spanish. The FMs cover a lot more territory than 1650, 
even if one ignores the fact that many radios don't have extended band. 
1650 is pretty useless in northern LA county and the San gabriel Valley, 
where most Koreans live... they may plan to move it North, but the thing 
has a terrible day signal and a nonexistent night one in LA county.

** Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx

  I got a phone call this afternoon from the owner of KLDY/KBRD. 
According to his info. Here is what I found out
  (1) KBRD-680 is currently 250w operating from a 190 foot tower. They 
are going to be triplexed to KLDY-1280 in the near future. KLDY-1280 is 
using a 400 foot tower. After the triplexing (also with KGHO-920), KBRD 
will apply for 800w (That is the most power they can have without a 
directional antenna, because of KOMW-680-Omak WA and CBU-690)
  (2) KGHO-920 is operating with 3000 watts days ND. He claims KGHO is 
not on at night as they do not have a directional system in place.
  (3)  KDLY-1280 is operating with 425 watts day and 225 watts nights 
ND. With the 400 foot tower, they cannot have the 1/.5 listed.



** kevin redding - Mesa AZ - lwdxer@xxxxxxxx

Heard on a Chrysler 4469088 radio and 15' horizontal antenna:

1110  KFAB  NE, Omaha 5/21 2353 [ ET ] with a talk show with an guy who 
       had an English accent. The pilot light was lighting on and off. 
1210  KGYN  OK, Guymon 5/21 2355 [ ET ] pilot light on, full C-QUAM 
       stereo and playing C&W song by Eddie Rabbitt, "Crime of Passion."

Heard on a GE SRIII model 7-2887A made in China:

1450  KNOT  AZ, Prescott 5/24 0805 with the end of local news, into 
       "Shangri La" and a NOS format. This is rare due to splash from 
       1440 KSLX which had not come on the air yet. 

** Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx 

 990  LPRT  BC, Shalath (presumed), //CBU-690 at 0509 EDT 5/22, not // 
       to CBW, who was running a different program. There is another 
       LPRT listed by BD, but much further North //CFPR, who was not 
       heard well tonight. Shalath is not that far North of the border. 
       Listed as 40w. (PM-OR)
1340  KEWE  CA, OROVILLE, ewc w/NOS format  "KIWI AM 1340" IDs at 0530  
       EDT  5/24. (PM-OR)

Drake R8, 400' NNW Mini Beverage Terminated, 35' Vertical



** Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx 

1650  KCNZ  IA, Cedar Falls, rec ppc back in 11d, ex KDNZ. Address: 721 
       Shirley St. / P.O. Box 157 / Cedar Falls  IA 50613. V/S: Robin 
       Rogers (no title). (PM-OR)




  My LW-MW has once again been updated. This time we're talking about a 
major update.

The changes:

* The name of the publication has changed.  It is now called: Euro MW 
Guide, which is easily abbreviable to EMWG.
* The publication is now no less than 65 pages long.  Main reason is the 
new font that has been used and the use of more space for easy reading 
* Again, plenty of new information has been entered in the list.

  For the next issue of the guide, I would like to ask you all a favor. 
As several LW stations are disappearing in Europe, I thought it might be 
interesting to add Asian LW stations. In order to do that, I would like 
to receive recent and accurate information from you on these stations. 
Many thanks in advance for the help!
  I would like to point out that this publication remains free, at least 
if you download the PDF file.  Those who would like to have a paper 
copy, should send the equivalent of 10 Euro to:
   Herman Boel
   Roklijf 10
   B-9300 Aalst

  I hope you will all like the new title, look, and information in this
publication. Please do not hesitate to mention this publication in your 
DX programme, club magazine, e-mail list, or simply to a DX friend.
  I would also like to draw your attention to another free publication 
of mine. It is called "Languages of the World" and can also be accessed 
via my homepage.  The Flemish version is complete (you can already have 
a look there to see what it's all about).  The English version will have 
a major update in a few days.  I'm sure this publication is of great use 
for DXers.

homepage: http://gallery.uunet.be/hb/
or      : http://come.to/dxing
or      : http://www.dx-hobby.com

CONVENTION - MEETING INFO (corrections/additions welcome)


2000 IRCA Billings, Montana Convention Information

The 2000 IRCA convention will be held August 25,26,and 27 in Billings, 
MT. The convention will be hosted by John and Nancy Johnson.

IRCA's 2000 Convention has a web site for complete information.

2000 National Radio Club Convention, Lima OH

This year's NRC convention will be held in Lima OH on Labor Day weekend 
(9/1-9/4/00).  Host is Fred Vobbe, 706 Mackenzie Dr, Lima OH  45805-
1835.  Complete details are available at the following Web site: 

 CPC DX tests 



CPC Chairperson (IRCA) - Lynn Hollerman - gmhollerman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Right now Lynn is looking for target station lists and stamps or money
to help get the lists worked on.  Thank you Lynn... pb

CPC Chairperson (NRC) - Blaine Thompson

Send both requests for stations to try and/or stamps and $ for postage 
and envelopes/paper (respectively) to:

Blaine Thompson
6523 Emmons Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46835-2293


     Geomagnetic Summary May 18 2000 through May 24 2000 
      phil bytheway - Seattle WA - fokker_d8@xxxxxxxxx
      Tabulated from email status daily

  5/18   253     9    0    moderate    quiet-unsettled     - 3
    19   254    11    2    moderate    quiet-active        - 4
    20   246     7    2    low-mod     quiet-unsettled     - 4
    21   232     8    1    low-mod     quiet-unsettled     - 4
    22   215    10    2    low-mod     quiet-active        - 5
    23   204    14    4    low-mod     unsettled-mis       - 7
  5/24   189    52    5    low-mod     active-mis          - 10

The new statistic on the right is "Aurora Level".



  Get in line NOW for your copy of the latest IRCA "AM SLOGANS LIST". 
Completely revised by IRCA's own Rich Toebe to 2/00 and includes X-Band 
stations as well.  This 24 page "DX Aid" can be yours for only $5.00 
through the IRCA Bookstore.  Non-IRCA/NRC members... add $1.00. 
Overseas... add $0.50.

   IRCA Foreign Log #10 is NOW available from the IRCA Bookstore for
$10.00 US.  Overseas, add $2.00 US for airmail delivery.  This edition
contains ALL the SDXM DXWW-E and DXWW-W tips from 9/96 to 7/99... almost
three years of material!  All collated and in frequency order by TA, PA
and TP for each DXWW column.

   A DXers TECHNICAL GUIDE. Now in its 3rd edition (published early 
1998), this 155 page book answers questions on receiver and antenna 
theory (how to improve their performance), how audio filters and loop 
antennas can improve DX (and hints on their construction), how to build 
Beverage and phasing unit, and much more.  Only $10.00 for IRCA/NRC 
members, $12.00 for non-members (overseas airmail add $2.50).

   IRCA Bookstore, 9705 Mary NW, Seattle WA  98117-2334
    (all checks payable to Phil Bytheway)

AM RADIO LOG 20th Edition (SOLD OUT, next one due in late August)


The AM DX NewsFlash is sent weekly from Teknologic in Snohomish WA
    All contributions will be used
    Comments regarding content are appreciated
 With your submission, please include as a minimum:
    Your name, location and email address
 Tell your email friends about "AM DX NewsFlash"
    To receive this email newsletter, send your email ID, name and
    location to phil-bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Folks whose bulletins are returned twice in a row are dropped from the
    list.  If your email address changes, please let me know!
 Information appearing the NewsFlash can be quoted provided the original
    author and "IRCA's AM DX NewsFlash" are given proper credit.
 Soft copies of the latest IRCA BookStore and Reprint Updater are
    available from:  phil-bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   DXM-printed DX MONITOR (21x/year), SDXM-"soft" DX MONITOR (35x/year)
WORLD - SDXM $10.00
  USA - DXM $20.00,  DXM/SDXM $25.00
  Canada - DXM $22.00,  DXM/SDXM $27.00
  Overseas surface - DXM $23.50,  DXM/SDXM $28.50
  Airmail (Central America, Caribbean) - DXM $35.00,  DXM/SDXM $40.00
  Airmail (Europe, North Africa, Middle East) - $38.00,  
    DXM/SDXM - $43.00
  Airmail (rest of the World) - $41.00,  DXM/SDXM $46.00

To join the IRCA, send the appropriate dues to:  IRCA HQ
                                                 PO Box 1831
                                                 Perris CA  92572-1831
If you note any AM changes (call, format, slogan, etc), please send them 
to the NRC Log coordinator (Wayne Heinen) @ nrclog@xxxxxxx
END of 5/25/00 IRCA's "AM DX NewsFlash"
This is a message from Phil Bytheway <phil-bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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