[HCDX]: RASD on 7100/ logs 1+2
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[HCDX]: RASD on 7100/ logs 1+2

www.geocities.com/zliangas/sinpfemo.htm +++

ALGERIA  7100 RASD  has been  found on 2-6-on 1955 with AR songs , 2000 with ID 
and many mentions on Sahara . then new  program with ID after bagpipes and 
classical music Signal max S9 with QRM by carrier S9 at 7101.6 
Liangas Retziki THS Jun 2

Other logs made on 1& 2 of June . Please notice that message is too long with 
lots of interesting  logs esp on 2-6

GUINEA 7125 R Conacry 2056 man with  (public) messages and continuous talks 
inFF and VN  with many refs to Conacry Mali  and Senegal S5-9 / 32424  Some QRM 
from 7120 Liangas Retziki THS Jun 2

CHINA 9050 CPBS1 reappeared at 2130 //7935 with Signal S5 /23232 Liangas 
Retziki THS Jun 2

GERMANY 15715 SBO ( Oromo Liberation ) 1733 song ? democratic? , man in Oromo 
in a slow ( dictation like) style , refs in Ethiopia and Oromo and reports with 
speakers in English  translated then in Oromo 55555 or S9+20 mean . sudden  s-
off at 1759 Liangas Retziki THS Jun 2 (cfm WWDXC )

MALAYSIA  4845 . With Mauritania  being off  RTM Kajang was in clear with max 
S3 at 1802 with western  songs and later on 1830 with indian songs . IN narrow 
band filter is heard 23332 Liangas Retziki THS Jun 2

---SOMALIA  7012 ? R galkacyo 1622 OM in seemingly AR with talks ( though 
hardly  to ID  language due to low signal) LSB is better  though still full of 
CW QRM  S1 at +10 db  check on CW mode Liangas Retziki THS Jun 1 

AFGANISTAN 7085  V Shariah 1657 OM with speaking on Muslims Prg still after 
1707  Signal S7 /32322 Liangas Retziki THS Jun 1 

RUSSIA 15470 RM in MONG 1231 following hymn , ID and news  read by man and 
woman , 21331 /S5 best QRN 15467.5 Liangas Retziki THS Jun 2

ISRAEL 15760 now with Reshet Bet at 1240 with music prog  and small comments 
,44444 AM Mode now ! Jun 2 ( cfm WWDXC 467) Aslo   6895 on 1709 on AM mode( jun 
1 ) Liangas Retziki THS Jun 2

ISREAL 15783.55  galei Zahal 1340 with old  songs . Full AM mode S6-8 /33444 
carrier on 780 Liangas Retziki THS Jun 2

INDIA  15770 AIR 1243  woman in Indian lang with talks and ID at 1244  Closed 
prg with ?Akashvani Prandria Pandaloo?   with immediate s-off Tellugu  is 
referred in ILG Signal : fair Liangas Retziki THS Jun 2

PAKISTAN 4790.33 R Pakistan 1725 political talks in EE ( refs of Pak with India 
 etc) S8 or 34333 Liangas Retziki THS Jun 1 

PAKISTAN 15465  R Pakistan 1224  CH traditional , man in CC closeing  prg and 
giving adress in PAK then hymn S5 (hrd 33443) Liangas Retziki THS Jun 2

CHN 5030 CPBS 1 1730 close anthem ( east is red? ) S4 Liangas Retziki THS Jun 1 

KENYA 4885 KBC 1758  with folks and VN lang  . 33333 /S8 Stn seems starting 
after 1730 as before that time did not  heard! Liangas Retziki THS Jun 1 

MALAYSIA 9750 (S9) and //15295(S7) V of Malaysia in BM 1825 with  more 
westernised arabic version of Ramlah Ram 's song 'teratai' (semi-arabic song) 
probably sung from Sharifah Aini 1830 with ID 'Suara BM/ SM' then with news. 
Excellent  modulation badly QRMEd in both QRGs : 
9755 from VoTurkey (S20) and on 1854 9750 from RFE  ON 2-6  and at 1641 R Japan 
heard underneath 324x2
15290 VoR greek ( S20) and 15300 RFI (S10)
Liangas Retziki THS Jun 1+ 2  

SWZ 3240 TWR? OM with ID 'R transmundial' byOM  then in unknown lang with 
continuous talks S4-6 ( 34333) 
Liangas Retziki THS Jun 1 

ITALY 6231.25 R Speranza (p) 1941 OM with talks in IT   and classical music 
then with 'Ave Maria' Audible only on AMN or LSB 
Liangas Retziki THS Jun 1 

Short survey of  signal strengths  on 4 MHZ (4.1-4.4 Mhz) 
and times 1715-1720 All are clands Date JUn 1 
4060 	PUK 	S8 
4085		S9 	KU 
4130 		S5	AR 
4140 		S6 	5x828 
4190		S9	FA
4250 		S6	AR 
4375 		S8	FA 



Zacharias Liangas  pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, 
www.geocities.com/zliangas : (shortened) up: logs.htm
NEW: rt75.htm ,experiment.htm   
and telenovelas page on telenovs.htm (every 2 weeks) 
pesawat penerima :ICOM ICR75,Lowe HF150,SONY ICF7600D,YupiteruMVT7100,Philips 2935 
antena 2x 6 m & 16 m 
accesories: MFJ 1040,MFJ1025,MFJ 752c,MFJ16010,MFJ462 
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