[HCDX]:REPOST for Walter Sweden.
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[HCDX]:REPOST for Walter Sweden.
Dear Friends,
Starting from today, Radio Sweden and Teracom AB put an additional
frequency on air at 03.00-04.00 UTC (first half hour Swedish and second
hour English) in order to improve reception in North America. The new
15245 kHz, will complement 9495 kHz and reports of these two are very
welcomed, especially those comparing the two frequencies.
Reports will be verified with a special QSL-card and a number of
will be given away to some of the reporteurs.
Report could be sent to (e-mail and fax preferred):
e-mail: magnus.nilsson@xxxxxxxxxx
fax: +46 8 55542060
mail: Att: HF Frequency Planning
Teracom AB
P.O. Box 17666
SE-11892 Stockholm
Naturally, also reports can be sent direct to Radio Sweden.
Yours sincerely, Magnus Nilsson, Teracom AB
This is a message from magnus.nilsson@xxxxxxxxxx
This is a message from Kurt Brandstetter <kurt.brandstetter@xxxxxxxxxx>
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