[HCDX]: World of Radio, Continent of Media
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[HCDX]: World of Radio, Continent of Media
Days and times strictly UT. RFPI 25930-USB went off May 19
and is expected to be replaced by a 21 MHz channel, but
perhaps not until July. RFPI frequency usage is flexible,
so check each beyond the hours shown.
Wed 2330 WOR WBCQ1 7415
Thu 2030 WOR WWCR 15685
Fri 0930 WOR WWCR 7435
Fri 1900 COM RFPI 15049
Fri 1930 WOR RFPI 15049
Fri 2030 WOR WBCQ2 9330-CUSB [irregular]
Sat 0300 COM RFPI 15049 6970
Sat 0330 WOR RFPI 15049 6970
Sat 0300 WOR WWCR 3215
Sat 1100 COM RFPI 6970
Sat 1130 WOR RFPI 6970
Sat 1130 WOR WWCR 15685
Sat 1730 COM RFPI 15049
Sat 1800 WOR RFPI 15049
Sun 0130 COM RFPI 15049 6970
Sun 0200 WOR RFPI 15049 6970
Sun 0230 WOR WWCR 5070
Sun 0630 WOR WWCR 5070
Sun 0930 COM RFPI 6970
Sun 1000 WOR RFPI 6970
Sun 2300 WOR RFPI 15049
Mon 0026 WOR WWCR 9475 [may shift to Sun 2330]
Mon 0501 WOR WWCR 3210
Mon 0700 WOR RFPI 6970
Mon 1500 WOR RFPI 15049
Tue 1100 WOR WWCR 15685
Tue 1900 WOR RFPI 15049
Tue 2000 COM RFPI 15049
Wed 0300 WOR RFPI 15049 6970
Wed 0400 COM RFPI 15049 6970
Wed 1100 WOR RFPI [suspended]
Wed 1200 COM RFPI [suspended]
Wed 1730 COM RFPI 15049
For latest updates and complete details of all our broadcasts
see http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio
WOR is also available at http://www.wrn.org/ondemand/worldofradio.html
COM is also available at http://www.DXing.com
WOR is also streamed when broadcast on WBCQ1 at http://wbcq.com
WOR is also streamed (via SW pickup in USA) when on RFPI at
Glenn Hauser, inviting you to be a regular listener to WOR and COM
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