Re: [HCDX]: VHF-L and SW logs / questions
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Re: [HCDX]: VHF-L and SW logs / questions

Hi Zacharias,

>53.8	CH2	2011	TVE?		SP	1	2
>60.75	CH3	1731	TURK?			4-6	1/sec
>			GERM 		GE	6	
>			GER		GE	-	1/sec

My best guess is you've heard TV signals during Sporadic E. These loggings
were made in FM-wide mode, right ?

>EQpt used: MVT7100  with its telescopic antenna for 23-6 
>	   MVT7100 plus  VHF antenna 12 elemnts  for 24-5  . Signals howeve
>seems to be nearly the same  with the telescopi c antenna 

That's a sympton of SpE as well. Those signals are mostly loud when condx
are there.

You write you compared the telesope antenna with your VHF beam. Be advised:
if memory serves me right, the MVT7100 has a quite low selectivity. When
you connect your 12 elements beam to him, you may overload the scanner. I
experience the same with my portable sony pro-80. I'll try to dig up the
tested spec's for the Yupiteru MVT7100 to really find out.

-= Robert
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