[HCDX]: VOA, Satellit 800, 100 kW AM
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[HCDX]: VOA, Satellit 800, 100 kW AM

>  From:    bjornfransson@xxxxxxxxxxx (bjorn fransson)

>  Yesterday, June 27th, I heard these:
>  On 7215 kHz at 1659 Voice of America signed on and had a program in 
>  It was interferred by an African station with typical group/choir music. I 
>  think they also told an address (242, 281, ... 111 - and the country code 
>  ...???). VOA was heard better and better, so the African disappeared. VOA 
>  signed off at 1800, but then the African could not be heard. Maybe it was 
>  Radio Voice of the People, because today I think I heard the letters "VOP" 
>  behind VOA - and then disappeared again.

7215 VOA also heard here a couple of days ago, peaking around 1730 UT

Btw: Just playing around with the Grundig Satellit 800. Anybody out there who 
also has access to that new radio? Would like to exchange views.

And we are still looking for a working shortwave transmitter (10 to 100 kW, 
AM) for an official project in the southern hemisphere.

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