[HCDX]: DX news
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[HCDX]: DX news
- To: "DX Fanzine" <tarantodx@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "GatFlash" <wmola@xxxxxx>, "PlayDX" <playdx@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Radioincontro" <radioinc@xxxxxxxxx>, "Scicli on the Web" <info@xxxxxxxxxx>, "TFW on Line" <gio.ser@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "A-DX" <a-dx@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Conexion Digital" <conexion_Digital@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Cumbre Editor" <cumbreeditor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "DX-A Monitor" <mailinglist@xxxxxx>, "G Hauser SW/DX Report" <wghauser@xxxxxxxxx>, "Hard-Core-DX" <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Monitoring Times" <gayle@xxxxxxxxx>, "Radioescutas" <radioescutas@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "SWL" <swl@xxxxxxx>, "WWDXC" <mail@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX]: DX news
- From: "Swiss.DX" <swiss.dx@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 15:19:16 +0200
- Cc: "Paolo De Berti" <pdeberti@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
DX news by Daniele Canonica, SWITZERLAND
RX JRC 535 with 30 meter of LW antenna and MLB
30 Jun. 2000
Last night, 29. June good conditions to Bolivia at my QTH in south Switzerland.
Between 2300 and 0000 GMT I have noted this stations: (I didn't catch the ID for
each station)
4471.5 Radio Movima, ID, good
4649 1 Radio Santa Ana, suff/ins
4702.2 Radio Eco, suff/ins
4716.8 Radio Yura, ins
4796.4 Radio Mallku, ID, good
4926.0 Radio San Miguel, ID, good
4826.5 Radio Sicuani, ID, suff/ins
5039.0 Radio Libertad de Junin, ins
6956.1 La Voz del Campesino, ID, suff
6035.0 La Voz del Guaviare, ins
SFI=163 | A=14 up from 13 | K=3 up from 2 at 0000 on 30 June.
SAF: low, GMF: quiet to unsettled
Aurora Level: 6
Solar Wind: 389.9 km/s at 3.2 protons/cc
More: http://hfradio.org/propagation.html
73 Daniele
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