[HCDX]: IRCA's AM DX NewsFlash - 7/6/00
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[HCDX]: IRCA's AM DX NewsFlash - 7/6/00

            WELCOME TO IRCA's AM-DX NEWSFLASH  -  July 6 2000
                            Vol 6  No 14

                   IRCA's web site... take a peek!!

Deadline for next issue - Thursday, July 13 2000 @ 1400 UTC

Send all contributions to me @ phil@xxxxxxxxxxx


"**" denotes that the tip/info/etc. came from the IRCA eGroup. You must 
be a member of IRCA to subscribe to the eGroup at http://www.egroups.com
                 X         XX    XX     XX    X     XXXXXXX
                X X        X X  X X     X X   X     X
               XXXXX       X  XX  X     X  X  X     XXXX
              X     X      X      X     X   X X     X
             X       X     X      X     X    XX     X



**Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx

New address for CKY-580:
166 Osborne Street  #4
Winnipeg  MB
Phone: (204) 788-3400
Fax: (204) 788-3401



**Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx

More conditions to the North in the Summer logging a pretty good signal 
from CKVH-1020 tonight with C&W mx, IDs at 0230 EDT 7-5-00. 

CONVENTION - MEETING INFO (corrections/additions welcome)


2000 IRCA Billings, Montana Convention Information

The 2000 IRCA convention will be held August 25,26,and 27 in Billings, 
MT. The convention will be hosted by John and Nancy Johnson.

IRCA's 2000 Convention has a web site for complete information.

2000 National Radio Club Convention, Lima OH

This year's NRC convention will be held in Lima OH on Labor Day weekend 
(9/1-9/4/00).  Host is Fred Vobbe, 706 Mackenzie Dr, Lima OH  45805-
1835.  Complete details are available at the following Web site: 

 CPC DX tests 



CPC Chairperson (IRCA) - Lynn Hollerman - gmhollerman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Right now Lynn is looking for target station lists and stamps or money
to help get the lists worked on.  Thank you Lynn... pb

CPC Chairperson (NRC) - Blaine Thompson

Send both requests for stations to try and/or stamps and $ for postage 
and envelopes/paper (respectively) to:


     Geomagnetic Summary June 29 2000 through July 6 2000 
      phil bytheway - Seattle WA - phil@xxxxxxxxxxx
      Tabulated from email status daily

  6/29   163    14    1    low         quiet-unsettled     - 5
  6/30   160     5    3    low         quiet-unsettled     - 7
  7/ 1   164     9    1    low-mod     quiet-unsettled     - 2
     2   162     3    1    low-mod     quiet-unsettled     - 5
     3   156     8    2    low         quiet-unsettled     - 5
     4   158     7    2    low         quiet-unsettled     - 6
     5   169    11    1    low         unsettled-active    - 5
  7/ 6   174     6    2    low         quiet-active        - 4




NRC Log editor Wayne Heinen (Nrclog@xxxxxxx) is looking for the updated 
information in the following areas:
"The changes that are needed are Addresses, Phone Numbers. formats, 
network affiliations and Hours of Operation.  These are the keys to 
logging and verifying they also are the most changed and hard to track.  
I need all update to me NO LATER THAN August 1st because we are going 
back to a Labor Day availability date."

  Get in line NOW for your copy of the latest IRCA "AM SLOGANS LIST". 
Completely revised by IRCA's own Rich Toebe to 2/00 and includes X-Band 
stations as well.  This 24 page "DX Aid" can be yours for only $5.00 
through the IRCA Bookstore.  Non-IRCA/NRC members... add $1.00. 
Overseas... add $0.50.

   IRCA Foreign Log #10 is NOW available from the IRCA Bookstore for
$10.00 US.  Overseas, add $2.00 US for airmail delivery.  This edition
contains ALL the SDXM DXWW-E and DXWW-W tips from 9/96 to 7/99... almost
three years of material!  All collated and in frequency order by TA, PA
and TP for each DXWW column.

   A DXers TECHNICAL GUIDE. Now in its 3rd edition (published early 
1998), this 155 page book answers questions on receiver and antenna 
theory (how to improve their performance), how audio filters and loop 
antennas can improve DX (and hints on their construction), how to build 
a Beverage and phasing unit, and much more.  Only $10.00 for IRCA/NRC 
members, $12.00 for non-members (overseas airmail add $2.50).

   IRCA Bookstore, 9705 Mary NW, Seattle WA  98117-2334
    (all checks payable to Phil Bytheway)

AM RADIO LOG 20th Edition (SOLD OUT, next one due in late August)


The AM DX NewsFlash is sent weekly from Teknologic in Snohomish WA
    All contributions will be used
    Comments regarding content are appreciated
 With your submission, please include as a minimum:
    Your name, location and email address
 Tell your email friends about "AM DX NewsFlash"
    To receive this email newsletter, send your email ID, name and
    location to phil@xxxxxxxxxxx
 Folks whose bulletins are returned twice in a row are dropped from the
    list.  If your email address changes, please let me know!
 Information appearing the NewsFlash can be quoted provided the original
    author and "IRCA's AM DX NewsFlash" are given proper credit.
 Soft copies of the latest IRCA BookStore and Reprint Updater are
    available from:  phil@xxxxxxxxxxx

   DXM-printed DX MONITOR (21x/year), SDXM-"soft" DX MONITOR (35x/year)
WORLD - SDXM $10.00
  USA - DXM $20.00,  DXM/SDXM $25.00
  Canada - DXM $22.00,  DXM/SDXM $27.00
  Overseas surface - DXM $23.50,  DXM/SDXM $28.50
  Airmail (Central America, Caribbean) - DXM $35.00,  DXM/SDXM $40.00
  Airmail (Europe, North Africa, Middle East) - $38.00,  
    DXM/SDXM - $43.00
  Airmail (rest of the World) - $41.00,  DXM/SDXM $46.00

To join the IRCA, send the appropriate dues to:  IRCA HQ
                                                 PO Box 1831
                                                 Perris CA  92572-1831
If you note any AM changes (call, format, slogan, etc), please send them 
to the NRC Log coordinator (Wayne Heinen) @ nrclog@xxxxxxx
END of 7/6/00 IRCA's "AM DX NewsFlash"
This is a message from Phil Bytheway <phil-bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
or email us, staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx