[HCDX] Re: [HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-89 July 9
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[HCDX] Re: [HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-89 July 9


> ** GERMANY. I regard the current HF relays of the "Berlin Love
> Parade" event to be an enormous and puerile waste of costly
> transmission resources and time.

> Here in Melbourne, 9405 is heard right throughout our morning from
> 2200-0200+, causing unnecessary QRM to FEBC Manila co-channel.

> Just who is paying for this rubbish? DW has announced cutback plans
> due to financial limitations, yet we have this outpouring of
> infantile, sexually orientated, obnoxious, drug-pushing trash,
> polluting the airwaves, using transmitter capacity which would be
> better utilised for DW programming. To my ears, this is pure
> garbage!!! I'd be interested in other views!

> (Bob Padula, Surrey Hills, Victoria, Australia, July 9, Electronic DX
> Press via DXLD)

Amen! If you don't like it, why the heck do you listen then? I think it
should be possible for every DXer to be so tolerant and accept, that
there are people with other tastes than your own who might be interested
in this. Mind you, this was a onetime-only broadcast, so at least you
don't have to stand it every day... ;-)

AFAIK this came via the  Jülich transmitter-site. These transmitters
aren't used by DW any longer, they are hired out by our Telekom to
everybody who is willing to put enough cash on the table. Clients range
from fire and brimstone preachers like Brother Stair to Liberation
Armies from all over the world, relays of international broadcasters and
so on. Now ORB has decided to hire some hours. So what? Can't say, that
for example Brother Stair's rubbish is better. Even if it's not sexually
orientated and drug pushing trash *this* kind of broadcasts are
obnoxious and a pollution of the airwaves.

In my mind it is a real nuisance that these kind of guys get allowance
to rent a transmitter site which was paid by the german taxpayer. But
some hours of Techno music? Get a life!

Greetings, Martin

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