[HCDX] DX Listening Digest 00-94 July 21
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[HCDX] DX Listening Digest 00-94 July 21
DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-94, July 21, 2000
edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@xxxxxxxxxxx
{Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing
full credit be maintained at all stages and we are provided exchange
copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission}
I just wanted to underline some important things regarding sharing
information on the Internet and exchange bulletins and this is the
translation: DXLD and HCDX are sources becoming more and more
important for the active DX-er. The same day new stations pops up,
the tip is there on HCDX from one or another source. It is just to
read and share it. But certain criteria must be fulfilled to be able
to share the information - read for example the introduction
regarding Numero Uno in DXLD 00-90 from July 11!
One reason I am stressing this point is that some of our members are
not especially keen to share information, because if you don´t give
you can´t get information. My personal view is that it is not any
longer possible to hold information for yourself. And it is also
absolutely necessary to follow the rules set up by the various
sources for sharing this information.
THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1045: See topic summary at
WORLD OF RADIO ON RFPI: New frequency 21815-USB. See below
** ANGOLA [non]. Djaci, congratulations on your catch. At 1904 UT I
am hearing R. Ecclésia, Emissora Católica de Angola, with news on
15175, SINPO 55545. I read a few months ago in a Portuguese
newspaper, that RE had presented to the Angolan government a request
to be licensed to transmit on SW from within Angola. For this, RE
would be supported by R. Renascença, Emissora Católica Portguguêsa,
which would lend it a 100 kW SW transmitter (seemingly to be
installed in Angola), until RE could amass the money to buy one. RR
quit broadcasting on SW some years ago, but its transmitter remains
operational. I did not post this news on our list, as I should have,
because I did not think RE would succeed in getting authorization,
given the conflicting state of relations between the government of
Angola and the station. I was awaiting news of the authorization
before posting it. Excuse me. RE, before independence, was heard
perfectly well inside the country on SW. It had several programs of
high quality but its newscasts aligned themselves excessively with
the policies of the colonial government of that era. It lacked the
editorial independence which it is now showing. So we hope it now
receives the authorization requested (Fernando de Sousa Ribeiro,
Porto, Portugal, radio-escutas, translated by gh for DXLD)
** ANGOLA. Much to my surprise, the Angolan authorities not only let
the station broadcast, but allow it to audiostream. Here's how to get
To hear Rádio Ecclésia on the Internet; go to
http://www.netangola.com and click on the English flag for the
English pages (the other choice is the Angolan flag, for Portuguese);
click on the left hand stacked column, "TV and Radio Online." When
the screen comes up, click on "Radio Channel." In the stacked list,
click on "Eclésia Radio." I tried at 7 in the evening, Central time,
and got FM static. It would be well after midnight in Angola, so try
another time (Mike Dorner, LA, Catholic Radio Update via DXLD)
We listened to this for almost an hour before 1900 UT Wednesday July
19; music mixed with interviews about Amnesty International, violence
in Angola, etc., but no clear IDs; and music continued across the top
of the hour when the SW broadcast via Holland also started on 15175,
but the two were not in parallel, as the SW gave the frequencies and
went into news (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1045, including a
recording off SW including ``Ecclésia`` ID interjected in news)
A recording of the ID of R. Eclésia, experimentally transmitting on
SW on 15175, is already available on the webpage of CDXA in MP3
format http://www.cdxa.cjb.net (Djaci Franklin Silva, Pará, radio-
escutas, translated by gh for DXLD)
** ANGOLA [non]. R. Ecclésia also heard at 2100-2230+ : Carrier up
and Interval signal from 2058 to 2100 then male announcer with
Portuguese identification and religious music to 2102 which was
followed by a long Portuguese talk about local peace issues to 2127.
Then another identification and repeated interval signal to 2130 and
more talk to 2153. Local songs followed to 2156, another ID and more
comments then songs to 2210, followed by a return to Portuguese talks
until the signal was lost under noise at 2225. Nothing was heard on
15175 which, according to their schedule, is the frequency they
should be using for the evening transmission. SINPO=33333 at best.
Both quoted frequencies were checked on the morning of 18th with no-
show on either (Mike Ford, England, Jul 17 & 18, Cumbre DX via DXLD)
Well, nothing on RN website about such a transmission, dated July 17
seen July 21, just the 0500 and 1900 hours (gh)
** CANADA. First heard on CINF Info 690: CBC is calling for tenders
in order to privatize its transmission facilities across the country.
The announcer reported that the CBC-owned transmission facilities are
valued at more than $500-million. 200 jobs are at stake. The union
says CBC should ask the feds for money instead of burning their own
fence as firewood. (Ricky Leong, Quebec, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CANADA. CBC seeks buyer for transmission assets | Text of press
release from Canadian Broadcasting Corporation web site dated 18th
Ottawa: The CBC today announced that it is looking at the possibility
of selling its network of transmission assets. The Corporation has
issued a "Request for Information" seeking a private sector company
or consortium interested in acquiring its 608 transmission towers,
750 transmission sites and 2,500 transmitters, assets valued in the
hundreds of millions of dollars and the ongoing business of providing
broadcasting delivery and other voice/data transmission services to
broadcasters and other businesses. Should these assets be sold, the
purchaser would be required to provide all over-the-air transmission
services to the CBC without affecting program delivery or service to
Canadians. The CBC's Re-engineering Task Force, created in December
1999, has completed its review of the way the Corporation manages its
transmission and distribution systems. It found that the
Corporation's financial and service objectives might be met more
efficiently through the sale of CBC's transmission assets. "Selling
this large infrastructure should free up more resources for
programming," said CBC President and CEO Robert Rabinovitch. "We'll
also gain greater flexibility that will allow us to explore different
methods of program delivery, such as satellites and the Internet. We
must continue to focus on our primary objective - programming. Signal
delivery may be more efficiently delivered through other vehicles in
conjunction with the private sector." Companies expressing interest
in buying these CBC assets and that meet CBC qualifications will be
invited to enter a competition process targeted for completion in the
spring of 2001. Source: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation press
release, Ottawa, in English 18 Jul 00 (via BBC Monitoring and Rickey
Leong; also Toronto Star via Ivan Grishin had similar story; WORLD OF
** CHINA [non]. Responding to a query from Alan Davies, both Dan
Ferguson in VA and Craig Tyson in WA report that the Falun Gong
station is now on 9370, ex 9915, from 1400 to 1500. Craig adds that
it is heavily jammed on the new frequency. Although not reported in
North America yet, 9370 will be an even harder channel as it is used
by WTJC in North Carolina (Hans Johnson, WY, July 20, Cumbre DX via
DXLD) Since we had so little sign of it on 9915, we now doubt a
Pacific site; more likely `central` Asia (gh)
** COLOMBIA. Rdif. Nacional, Bogotá was heard Thu July 7 on new 9685
between 2200 and 0100 with a very good 20 dB signal, tho with a
boxed-in [? encajonado] sound which has always characterized this
station. At 0100 there was VOA QRM on the frequency. This was not
heard in parallel on 4955, indicating they may be using the same
transmitter for 9685. At 2215 was the program Colombia Deportiva,
2230 Cancionero Latinoamericano and ID giving 4955. Reports were
requested to radiodifusora@xxxxxxxxxxx or to Edificio Inravisión,
Piso 3, Avenida El Dorado, Santa Fé de Bogotá. They confirm with QSL
(Santiago San Gil G., Venezuela, Banda Tropical, Club Diexistas de la
On July 13, I heard it on 9635 testing at 2200 and not //4955. Are
they looking for an interference-free frequency on 31m? (Jorge García
Rangel, Venezuela, Banda Tropical, Club Diexistas de la Amistad; both
translated by gh for DXLD, WORLD OF RADIO 1045) [cf DXLD 00-92]
** CONGO DR. Origins of Goma radio SW transmitter viewed
Text of report by Goma-based "independent" monthly newspaper ?Temps
Present? dated June 2000 and received on 17th July
Several Goma official press journalists will not believe in the
existence of the long-awaited shortwave transmitter which is to save
the Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD) from chronic media insomnia,
until they have seen and touched it.
Prof Kin Kiey Mulumba, head of the party?s communication department,
announced from Katale that the value of the investment is estimated
at some 200,000 dollars. He did not clarify the origin of the funding
nor the deal struck to this end. Transparency is not yet an accepted
value within the rectification party.
Snatches of information gleaned by the great sleuths of `Temps
Present` indicate that it was Emmanuel Kamanzi, head of the
department of land, mines and energy, who announced to his colleagues
of the executive in October 1999 this "donation", that he had
supposedly negotiated and obtained, of a shortwave transmitter to
arrive shortly.
Whatever the circumstances, it is staggering that the RCD waited for
two years before seriously getting down to the acquisition of a high-
performance shortwave transmitter whilst during this same time the
Kabila regime has woven a sprawling media web throughout the land.
Source: `Temps Present` No 15, Goma, in French June 00 (via BBC
Monitoring July 18)
** COSTA RICA. Radio for Peace International has brought their USB
transmitter back, on new 21815, heard Tuesday July 18 at 1910 during
WORLD OF RADIO, //15049. A good thing, since 6970 is off for repairs.
This may be experimental, and no doubt RFPI would be interested in
reception reports on the new frequency: info@xxxxxxxx Subsequently we
have heard it as early as 1430, as late as 0330 (Glenn Hauser, OK,
Notes from RFPI Mailbag with Debra and James Latham, first broadcast
July 21 at 2000: 21815-USB is running 1 kW with a log-periodic
antenna aimed toward eastern NAm and Europe; at first ran it
continuously to test propagation, but now *1200-0400*. Can keep it on
later if getting into Asia, etc., but unlikely at present azimuth.
The other frequency, 15049, is running 24h to compensate for 6970
being off.
The 6970 situation: The cubical quad antenna gave out earlier than
expected. Around July 12 a switch on the exciter for the 30 kW
transmitter failed, repaired with parts on hand, and meanwhile put in
a larger driver to reach about 35 kW. But the higher power finished
burning up the antenna, disintegrating the wires which had been
carbonizing for the past year ? 12 gauge steel, copper-plated.
So a new antenna design on the drawing board is being built earlier
than expected, ahead of the high-wind season, a WIDA which means wire
inverted dipole array. This will be bi-directional, improving
reception in SAm. Very good gain, and more resistant to high winds
with aluminum elements half an inch in diameter, and more elements
can be added without compromising. Should be ready to test in 3 or 4
weeks. Parts for the AM antenna are also being installed. Solar
panels are not up yet. (notes by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. This schedule shows services broadcast by the Voice of the
Islamic Republic of Iran (VIRI) from its studios at Mashhad, the
capital of Khorasan province in northeast Iran, for listeners in
central Asia. The mediumwave transmitter on 720 kHz is reportedly
located at Tayyebad, also in Khorasan province. The Tajik broadcasts
may be in standard Persian. Station ID in Persian: "Inja Mashhad ast,
Seda-ye Jomhuri-ye Eslami-ye Iran, markaz-e Khorasan". ("This is
Mashhad, the Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Khorasan
centre.") Address: PO Box 555, Mashhad, Iran. Daily:
0100-0230 TAJIK As 720 7.180
0230-0300 UZBEK As 720 7.180
0300-0430 DARI As 720 9.580
1330-1500 DARI As 720 7.180
1500-1600 UZBEK As 720 5.955
1600-1730 TAJIK As 720 5.955
(© BBC Monitoring July 13 condensed for DXLD)
** ISRAEL. [WOR 1045 quoted the original version of the following
report, which lacked the time, and identified it as Reshet Beth
rather than Galei Zahal]:
On 3516.00 USB at 2010 with rock songs, and many times later, SINPO
44444, but not the following day, //6895, Galei Zahal, maybe from a
pirate (Zacharias Liangas, Greece, July 18, 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ISRAEL. The Reshet Hey (Kol Israel International) Live Feed is
back with the temporary machine. http://www.israelradio.org On the
19th, the Knesset determined the dates for Daylight Saving Time over
the next four years. This year, Summer Time will end October 6, two
days before Yom Kippur. ('I' don't have the dates for the other years
yet.) (Daniel Rosenzweig, July 21, DX LISTENING DIGEST) What about
the previous report that DST would last until end of October, same as
Europe? (gh)
** KURDISTAN. V. of People of Kurdistan, 6995 has a good website,
well put-together with lots of news of interest to the Kurdish
people. Frequency mentioned there is 4060, not the new one.
http://www.aha.ru/~said/dang.htm The station was heard very well
tonight on 6995 with several IDs, internet address, in spite of local
language, at 0230 SINPO 45444. I think a powerful transmitter is
being used for this. Anyone know address for reception report? (Clube
DX da Amazônia, via radioescutas translated by gh for DXLD)
** RUSSIA. Radio Mayak's sacked staff prophesy station's "imminent
demise" | Text of report by the Russian newspaper 'Nezavisimaya
Gazeta' on 19th July
The State Labour Inspectorate in the city of Moscow has deemed
unlawful the dismissal of employees of the Mayak State Radio
Broadcasting Company. The official reply to Aleksandr Zhetvin,
chairman of the radio station's trade union organization, says that
the leadership violated Part 2 of Article 40 of the Labour Code by
cutting the number of employees. By law, the management should have
provided the local employment body with information on each person
being dismissed - indicated his profession, post, qualifications and
Irina Gerasimova, chairman of the Mayak State Radio Broadcasting
Company, was instructed to eliminate this violation of the Labour Law
Code. No other violations were brought to light.
The standoff between the radio station's old employees and the
leadership, who arrived in the fall, has now lasted more than six
months. During this time three Mayak old-timers have died - two of a
stroke and one of a heart attack. Employees who are in opposition to
the leadership say that the ongoing conflict played not the least
role in that.
"After all, we were waiting for changes and we wanted a change of
leadership," Mayak observer Lidiya Podolnaya said. However, the old-
timers did not like the changes which soon ensued. An order was
signed in April to dismiss 38 old employees and in May an order
appeared to dismiss four more of the radio station's employees. But
the employees affected by dismissal still turn up for work every day.
The list of the Mayak old-timers' complaints against the new
leadership is quite long. The leaders' professional qualities occupy
not the least place on it. Old employees prophesy Mayak's imminent
demise. "There is no longer anything to broadcast and they are simply
stopping up the airwaves," Lidiya Podolnaya told `Nezavisimaya
Gazeta's' observer. "The radio station has turned into a
retransmitter for news agencies, whose summaries are read out
practically without any changes. Listeners' telephone calls have been
taken off the air and we have virtually lost our link with our
audience." However, it is hard to guess for now how the standoff at
Mayak will end and what will happen to the radio station itself.
Source: `Nezavisimaya Gazeta', Moscow, in Russian 19 Jul 00 (via BBC
Monitoring via DXLD)
** RUSSIA. Hi Glenn, I get your DXLD's regularly via HCDX. Thank you
so much. They are indeed very good for all active radio fans. In
response to the item in DXLD 00-93: This Radio Samorodinka is very
often heard here on my island of Götland. I got a letter from the
operator many years ago - and he seemed very old fashioned already at
that time... Plays very old music and talks political matters in
Russian (Björn Fransson, Sweden, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOMALIA. For some considerable time now, Somali warlord Husayn
Aydid (or Hussein Aideed if you prefer an alternative spelling) has
had a lot of trouble keeping his station on the air on a reliable
basis. However, he's now made a big effort to reactivate it,
appointing a new station manager (Mr Cabduqaadir Daahir Cabdi,
nicknamed Xudeyfa), adding an FM channel (100.5 MHz for the benefit
of anyone thinking of Somalia for their holidays) and getting his
shortwave transmitter running on 6750 kHz according to the following
schedule: 0300-0500, 0900-1300 and 1500-1900 GMT.
Like all the various Mogadishu stations (or all the ones that I know
about) the main evening news is at 1700 GMT (this is to try and stop
people listening to the news on a rival station).
Listen for the announcement: "Halka aad warkaasi kala socotaan waa
reediyow Muqdisho, Idaacada codka shacabka ee Jamhuuriyada
Soomaaliya" ("This is the news from Radio Mogadishu, Voice of the
People of the Somali Republic"). (Chris Greenway, UK, July 18, WORLD
** UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (DUBAI). Service in Tagalog and English,
directed to the Philippines was heard July 2 on 17890 from 1135 until
1200 when they closed down with the national anthem of the Emirate of
Dubai. This is called ``Radio Pinoy`` mixing English and Tagalog with
"Salutaciones de cumpleaños y saludos de familiares residenciados en
Dubai" (Jorge García Rangel, Venezuela, Club Diexistas de la Amistad)
Are you sure this was from Dubai? R. Pinoy had been on 17885 at the
same time via Kuwait (gh to JGR)
Yes, I am certain that this came via R. Dubai transmitter since I
heard their anthem which they customarily play at the opening and
closing of broadcasts in Arabic. I have also reconfirmed in past
issues of WRTH and PWBR that UAE used 17890 and not 17885. What
caught my attention here were the phrases in English mentioning
people with names of Hispanic origin, such as María Rosales, Pedro
Pérez, etc. There is considerable Spanish heritage in the archipelago
which left the Catholic religion and many signs of Spanish influence.
Nevertheless during the period of American influence in the last
century, English overtook Spanish, which has been a great advantage
for global communication. I have also learned that the Filipino
community resident in this Emirate is rather large, as domestic
workers. There were many mentions of ``Dubai City1`` during this
broadcast. (Jorge García Rangel, Venezuela, all translated by gh for
** U K. As part of the government's three-year spending plans
announced today (for the period beginning next April) the BBC World
Service is to get an extra 64 million pounds to modernize the
shortwave relay stations in Cyprus and Singapore with digitally-
capable replacement transmitters. The new investment represents an
average 3.8-per-cent increase in funding in real terms a year over
the next three years. The new funding will also help BBC WS Internet
developments in key languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Russian,
Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi/Urdu and Persian and to develop the World
Service FM presence. BBC WS is now broadcast on FM in 112 capital
cities of the world and the aim is to increase this to 135 capital
cities by 2003-04. (Chris Greenway, England, WORLD OF RADIO 1045, DX
** U K. It's just been announced in the latest round of spending
allocations by the British government that the World Service budget
will be increased year on year as far ahead as 2004. I didn't note
all the figures but the last figure given was in-excess of 200
million pounds, with the aim of 153 million listeners. (Dan Atkinson,
England, July 18, swprograms via DXLD)
** U S A. Hi Folks, Just a reminder to join me this Sunday July 23rd
at 1500 UTC when I will be talking to "World Famous Pirate and
Clandestine Enthusiast" George Zeller on CyberShortwave Live! George
will be discussing how he got his start in shortwave listening, the
current state of Clandestine and Pirate Radio, The Winter SWL fest,
The ANARC SWL NET, receiver reviews, and much, much more. You are
invited to join Internet Relay Chat Channel #SWL (via an efnet server
during the netcast) to tap George's extensive knowledge of radio
monitoring. It promises to be the best Cybershortwave Live netcast
ever! For Live365 streaming mp3 links:
Or point your web browser to
and look for CyberShortwave live, or a shortcut would be set your
Winamp MP3 player "Open Location" (CTRL-L) to
CyberShortwave "live" is the world's first truly interactive radio
monitors show. Netcast "live" via the Internet in streaming mp3
format (most) Sundays at 1500 utc on http://www.live365.com. All you
need to listen is the proper software. We recommend "Winamp".
Extensive help files and FAQ sheets are available on www.live365.com
You are invited to join the interaction by connecting to Internet
Relay Chat Channel #SWL (via Efnet) during the program and/or E-
mailing your comments, loggings, or requests to n1dk@xxxxxxxx Details
on how to listen to CyberShortwave "live" also appear on my web site
http://www.n1dk.com Join us as we travel around the world via
Shortwave and the Internet. 73, (Dave Kirby, N1DK, DX LISTENING
** YEMEN [non?]. [Cf DXLD 00-93: Radio Aden (ANN.: Idha'atu Aden) in
Arabic again on SW! First noted on July 9: 0900-1100 on NF 9900.0
(34443). 73 from (Ivo and Anguel, Observer, Bulgaria via DXLD)]
I am hearing Voice of the Arabs [EGYPT] on 9900 // 11980 instead of
Aden at the time mentioned above. (Harald Kuhl, Germany, DX LISTENING
DIGEST) Another correxion(?) not in time for WOR 1045 taping (gh) ###
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