[HCDX] Day vs. Night at NPR Site
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[HCDX] Day vs. Night at NPR Site

I e-mailed NPR and asked what "Day" and "Night" referred to regarding AFN 
broadcasts.  My question was whether "Day" meant day at the transmitter site, 
AFN Headquarters in the US, or ?????   

The reply was that was the information AFN gave ("Day" and "Night") so they 
posted it at the NPR site that way.   I suggested revising the site to use 
the start and end time for each frequency in UTC since this is "universal" to 
DXers, gave them examples of how to do this, etc.....    

In short, the response is NPR is contacting AFN and they are looking into 
making such a revision at the NPR website. 

(Lee Silvi, Mentor, OH USA  September 8.)
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