[HCDX] V. Jammu Kashmir Freedom QSL
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[HCDX] V. Jammu Kashmir Freedom QSL

I received a letter from v/s: Islam-ud Din Butt (no title) today in 2 months after a follow-up report. I quote:
"It is a matter of great pleasure and satisfaction for us that the voice of the oppressed people of the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir has been heard in the United States". I could go on, and, in fact, it is an interesting letter.
Suffice to say, he states that their   "English bulletin (sic) of five minutes duration and daily English Commentary again for five minutes duration from 1420-1430 UTC, at 5100 KH frequency".
Their actual frequency back in April was 5101.23 kHz. He also returned my US$1.00.
Address: (as printed)
Voice of Jammu & Kashmir Freedom Movement
Post Box No. 102
Muzzaffarabad (Azad Kashmir)
Terry Palmersheim, KC7LDP/FOØPAM