[HCDX] Logs
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[HCDX] Logs

Some info based per ILG 

TUNISIE  7110 ERTT Tunis 1109 with ID "arasbia ke tunisia' , S9+10 ,43423. 
Russian  station  under Z Liangas Nov 14  Greece 

CHINA 4620  Neimengu PBS ( p) 1436  with western(ized) songs , OM with short 
comment  then pop songs continue . After the 1500  clock  the songs  sontinue 
seeming to be chinese . At 1515 tune in station seems closed . OM s voice  
seems  totally diferent from  the well known chinese voices, he is posibly 
nonchinese !. 23222 and S3 
Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

NEPAL 5005 R nepal (t) 1507 with hindi type songs , man in english  immediately 
thn with songs and talks  by woman . JUst S5 aty +10 db and low mod .WSignal 
Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

GEORGIA ? 5040 GEorgia ? 1510 turkik like music till 1509 then man with talks  
and external reports S7 ,34333 " Ye R... INternational " ( as like vatican's IS 
" 1528* Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

CHINA 5050 HAixia PBS ( V of Strait) at S6//4900 at S2 at1532 . retune at 1528  
with talks between two men Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

SPORE 6000 City Sounds 1541 at S9 , clear at QSN -0.9 kHz from  QRM from 6005 . 
Songs Signal 33433 
7170  OLi 1543 wthi semi pop tamil songs S8 with carrier at -0.85 kHz . Clear 
at USB and abt 2.5 kHz  filtering 
Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

26725 & 27625 were operators transmitting in FM -N !!( 1550) 

S AFRICA 3345 ,CH Africa 1634 man in PP speaking abt african countries and intl 
conferences S7/24232 
Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

RUSSIA 9185 ( sub harmionic) V oRussia inAlbanian  with carrier + LSB , rssian 
style music under relatiely fast rythming , russian vocal talks 6155  version 
of my way , program close wi freqs rthen IS at 1700
Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

EQ GUINEA 5003.43 R bata 1723 old pops till 1730 then with folks songs . 1828 
with talks by YL then songs . New talks  by her in vern . 1955 with 
semitraditioals. POlitical talks on 2108 in PP . Starts S7 being S9 at 1830 
.QRM  from FSK at +2 kHz 
Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

INDONESIA 11784.88 VoINs : nice pop songs & prg in GE 
Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

??15725 unIDed , till 1809  with english songs , OM in AR, no clear ID , S6@+10 

MALAYSIA 15295 new program? " song of this week' at 1755 in BM ,Music prg 
continues till 1835. !837 a music version from UKays  song. 33333
Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

S LEONE 3316 SLBC 1850 -19230 continuous talks . 1920 with conmetary on the 
ISrealu attck on Palestine  teritories . S7  for 1925 , S3 for 1950 
Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

test for MAuriutanie : 783 was again no // with 4745 . Head an ID as kahira at 
1937 . UNderneatth COPE 

UGANDA 4976 , 2010  with christian songs 2015  man on religious themes 
analyzing the 'dreams '  subject . S9 max siognal 43433
Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 

Z Liangas Nov 15  Greece 
pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, dll
RX: R75/HF150/MVT7100  + 16m ant/1x1sqm + MFJ16010/1040/1025/752c/462 
http://www.geocities.com/zliangas/trip2k.htm ( to Bkk,SNG,BAli)
http://www.geocities.com/zliangas/index.htm(l) htm : frames
http://www.geocities.com/zliangas/shack3.htm Rx-system /Retziki
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