[HCDX] Jembatan DX No.108
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[HCDX] Jembatan DX No.108

JEMBATAN DX NO.108     3 December 2000

edited by Juichi Yamada

Credit is given to the original contributors and Jembatan DX. 
Reproducein this newsletter is prohibited without permission of

Contribution on this issue is:

Juichi Yamada, JAPAN
EDXP, Australia

Many thanks.

*: Sign on or sign off.
+: Fade in or fade out.
SCI: the Song of the Coconut Islands.
RPK: Rayuan Pulau Kelapa. Same as above.

All times in UTC.

MONITORING REORT-----------------------------------------------------

Ramadan local early morning broadcast monitoring on December 1 & 2.
 3214.8 RRI Manado          #1757-
 3264.7 RRI Gorontalo       Heard at past 2000.
 3325.0 RRI Palangkaraya    Heard at past 2100.
 3344.8 RRI Ternate         Heard at past 1900.
 3395.1 RRI Tanjungkarang   Heard at past 2000.
 3960.2 RRI Palu            Heard at past 1900.
 3976.2 RRI Pontianak       Heard at past 1900.
 4003.2 RRI Padang          Heard at past 1900.
 4606.3 RRI Serui           Heard at past 1900.
 4753.3 RRI Makassar        Heard at past 1900.
 4789.1 RRI Fak Fak         Heard at past 1900.
 4845.2 RRI Ambon           Heard at past 2100.
 4925.0 RRI Jambi           #1858-
                            Local news "Warta Berita Daerah" at 1930.
 6071.1 RRI Jayapura        All night program.
 6153.7 RRI Biak            Heard at past 1900.
 (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN)

60 METRE BAND SURVEY. Here is a survey of observed activity in the 60
here in Melbourne, between 1800 and 1900, on Dec-01:
 4753 RRI Makassar *1855 (extended sked for Ramadan)
 4839 Unid (extended sked for Ramadan) 1800-1845*
 4924 RRI Jambi *1851 (extended sked for Ramadan)
 (Bob Padula via EDXP No.191)

DX NEWS--------------------------------------------------------------

RRI Ambon on 4845.2kHz reactivated. The signal is heard at local evening
   (-1130*) and local morning, but it is low modulation.
   (Dec 2, 2000, Juichi Yamada, JAPAN)

RRI Biak was changed sign off time from Ramadan. The former sign off
   time was 1500 but now it was still heard past 1530(not confirm
   exact sign off time yet).
   (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN)


***                        JUICHI YAMADA                         ***
 ***                       Tokyo, JAPAN                         ***
  ***                  (JEMBATAN DX EDITOR)                    ***
   ***            e-mail:juichi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             ***

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