[HCDX] 6937
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[HCDX] 6937

Ralph Brandi wrote regarding presumed China, Yunnan , Kumning min. sce.

They'll probably tell you the language is Hebrew.

Galei Zahal, the Israeli Defense Forces Radio, blasts in here in eastern
North America on this frequency.

Well, if that was Hebrew I heard, then my name is Napoleon Bonaparte. Galei Zahal was no longer on 6937, I have wondered where they moved, and it  was not that station I heard. They have been blasting into my place too. But not any longer.

Even  at 1420 UTC, Feb 24,  there was this "Chinese" station on 6937, signal strenght getting continuosly better. as darkness was coming, but we were still  about one  and a half  hour away from sunset here. I did not stay to check much longer, but at 1510, the station was not there. probably it had singed off.i

73 Johan Berglund , Trollhättan, Sweden   

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