[HCDX] Art Bell Story?
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[HCDX] Art Bell Story?

today I read the following news:

> Art Bell, the top-rated overnight presenter from the U.S., is hitting
> London's airwaves for the first time this weekend.
> He'll be on LBC 1152AM in the early hours of Sunday morning, from 1am-5am.
> Make sure you stay up late on Saturday night (or get up early on Sunday!)
> and hear the programme that America is talking about.

It reminds me what I read 3 years ago (shortened):

Art Bell Quits!!!
At 5:55 Eastern time Monday Morning 10/12/98 Art dropped the biggest bomb in
history of radio......I QUIT!!
"... You may recall about a year ago... I told you that there was an event,
threatening terrible event occured to my family, which I could not tell you
about. Because of that event, and a succession of other events, what you're
listening to right now, is my final broadcast on the air. This is it folks,
going off the air and will not return.....
... And again when the time comes, when this information can be released,
you can be
sure that I will release it, and I would assume because of the magnitude of
forum that I have held, at that time, you'll get the whole story. But the
will come when I will tell it.
So for now and the foreseeable future, that's it! That is the end of this
broadcast career. So, thank you, and goodbye..."
(Art Bell, 2:55 AM, Oct 13, 1998)

What actually happened to Art those 3 years ago? He quitted, then he
returned again - was it serious or was it just a commercial trick?
Does anybody know more? You can write me to my private e-mail address:

Thanks and I apologise to those who think this message does not rank among
mails of this list.

Best wishes,

Karel Honzik
the Czech Republic (Czechia)

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