[HCDX] dX log
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[HCDX] dX log


as a variation on the standard theme of getting far-away stations,
I spent some time listening to and IDing stations from within
Brazil, hence the 'dX' (short delta-distance)

As a reference I had the clear-text version of ILG and grep, I
could get many of the stations listed, though some are either
too weak or no longer on the air. I also chanced across one
unlisted frequency,  R. Marumby on 11750 kHz.

All stations received between 13:30 and 15:50 localtime, walking
down the 25 and 31 meter band and the first part of the 49 meter
band, after which I got fed up with waiting for IDs and went on
to another hobby ;))

I live in the city of Curitiba in the south of Brazil and am using
a Sony 7600G receiver with 60 meters of wire in a loop on the grass,
coupled to a coax cable with a TV balun.

Despite that, many of the stations from Sao Paulo actually give a
stronger signal, I suspect that most of the stations in Curitiba are
on the other side of the city, while I'm nicely in the place where
the first hop of the Sao Paulo stations comes down...

Most of the stations below use power levels between 1 and 10 kW.

kHz	UTC	day	SIO	station/city

11935	1540	15/11	344	R. Clube Paranaense, Curitiba
				I live in the same city, but the transmitter
				isn't strong here
11925	1545	15/11	544	R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo
				mentions name & URL every 5 minutes, commercials
11915	1548	15/11	544	R. Gaucha, Porto Alegre
				talk program with 2 men, blah blah blah
11855	1551	15/11	344	R. Aparecida, Sao Paulo
				mention of phone number and station ID
11830	1556	15/11	444	R. Anhaguera, Goiania
				info by Goiania city council
11815	1559	15/11	444	R. Brasil Central, Goiania
				station ID, news, jingle on 1604
11805	1606	15/11	343	R. Globo, Rio de Janeiro
				station ID, news
11785	1608	15/11	444	R. Guaiba, Porto Alegre
				gaucho commercials, time beeps 1615
11765	1615	15/11	444	R. Tupi, Curitiba
				religious programming from Sao Paulo, lost
				audio feed intermittently failed at 1619
				at 1700 a "the lord fixes your financial
				problems" religious feature (almost hilarious)
				R. Tupi station ID at 1706
11750	1630	15/11	333	R. Marumby, Florianopolis
				station ID + jingle at 1700
				religious/pop music; offering CDs for sale ;)
11725	1708	15/11	555	R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba
				religious music
				... TX must be close to my house ;)
 9725	1710	15/11	555	R. Clube Paranaense, Curitiba
				// 11935, but this one is strong
 9685	1713	15/11	444	R. Gazeta, Sao Paulo
				invitation church service in Centra Paulista
 9675	1715	15/11	233	R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista
				religious programming, splatter from 9665
 9675	1732	15/11	344	splatter mostly went away with new batteries
 9665	1720	15/11	555	R. Marumby, Florianopolis
				traditional german/south brazil music program
				offering the CD for sale, from a Curitiba addr
 9645	1723	15/11	455	R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo
				sports program
 9630	1725	15/11	555	R. Aparecida, Sao Paulo
				same religious/pop/love music as ever / ID 1730
				// 6135, 11855
 9565	1734	15/11	555	R. Tupi, Curitiba
				relay religious programming from Sao Paulo
 9530	1736	15/11	444	R. Transmundial, Porto Alegre
				religious music
 9515	1740	15/11	555	R. Cultura, Curitiba
				religious music & talking
 9505	1742	15/11	444	R. Record, Sao Paulo
				commercials, sports tx ann  // 6150
 6170	1746	15/11	444	R. Cultura, Sao Paulo
				classical music
 6150	1748	15/11	444	R. Record, Sao Paulo
				sports program  // 9505
 6135	1750	15/11	343	R. Aparecida, Sao Paulo  // 9630, 11855
				station ID, commercials

kind regards,

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